Aug 08, 2006 18:38
sorry for the lack of update... ive been busy and stressed.
i have finished two summer reading books, and now i need to read huck finn... but i dont feel like it.
i got a y membership and its my favorite thing EVER. i need to go right now because i am angry.
schedules came today - super early. i hate it. two and a half weeks before school starts we get schedules. usually its like... the week before. here it is:
1st - AP us history - jackson 212
2nd - H pre-calculus - brown 418
3rd - H wind ensemble - mcmath 506
4th - AP english 11 - little 101
5th - h earth science - unger 121
6th - spanish 1 - sullivan 454
i have 3rd period with samantha and nathaniel... but those are the only classes i have with anybody so far. :(
im not in a good mood tonight.