(no subject)

Mar 03, 2005 10:44

After reading 22 very long alex vaughn journal entries here i am.
Governors show this saturday, at our school, be here or be [] duh.
Um, school is school. Everyone likes my Lythande attire of course.

Um, maybe a show at Orange St. tonight, but, I doubt it. Maybe Jack might go with me. I should be hanging out with others...hopefully SAS will have a practice, because it's been a while for that.
Fire When Ready is playing at Orange St. when I'm in Disney. that makes me upset, I REALLY like them.

I want warm weather. this was pointless. i want to cuddle.
17 days till disney. M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E

Oh my god.
Moriah just told me the greatest wierd story. about how to inceminate an elephant. It's called "VAGINA CLIMBING"
This guy puts the up the arm gloves on, and a full on body suit, that covers everywhere but the head...then they lube him up with sperm, and he literally crawls in. THEY SHOWED IT ON THE NEWS. like, whats the world coming to.
haha then jack said that a whales penis is 6ft. long as tall as him "Wouldnt you like that, Mollee. You whore" <---that I am.
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