Sep 23, 2004 14:54
wellz..tlast nite deff got bettr aftr i wrote. the red sox won:-)...nd me nd tyler go out now :-D..deff makes me happy. we talkd till 1 then went to sleep. i wasnt gonna go to school but pshh i decided to anywayas bcuz my dad was stayin home nd i didnt wanna stay with him. so yeah school was alrighty hardy.nothingreat happend. thanks for the lollipop jmer!! lol..i was in a bad mood so he goes u shud be jolly! nd i waslike man i want a jolly rancher nd he pulls one outta his pocket...i waslike wtf? lol...yeah but that made me happy haha.then b4 italian steve green pickd sara up nd she had a skirt on..oy vei.that girl lol.she ran away it was funny as hell haha. italian was alrighty...i hate that damn girl ..i swaer one of these days...sara,kayla,linz,nd lauren know wat im talkin bout..i cant stand her. yeah so aftr that class i went on the bus nd the whole randy joke got outta hand haha. i was jokin around syain i wanted his number lol(im so mean) nd then chase waslike..ill really ask him for it nd i sed id make him do my h.w...nd i gues since i didnt care nd danielle did chase was like "randy..danielle wants to study with u sometime...she lives at blahblahblah" haha so aftr we got off the bus me nd dani jumpd chase!! lol haha...he was runnin away from her nd i was behind him nd he walkd right into me nd i hit him lol ..jesus goodtimes goodtimes..
yeah well danis bout to come ovr for some chinese food(yummy havnt had it in a while) ill prolly write latr since thers the football game.