Impressions from the garden of no-return

Jul 10, 2009 11:57

For the small minority that takes interest in plants, here's a what my CP bogs look like right now. There's a whole bunch of closeups in the body of the message. One neat thing about all the sarracenia species is that despite their wildly different shapes, you can cross any two of them together and the resulting offspring is also fertile - so you can keep making infinite variations:

Sarracenia alata

Sarracenia x alata

Sarracenia x 'Dana's Delight'

Sarracenia x 'Dixie Lace'

Sarracenia x 'Bug Pipes'

Sarracenia x 'Godzuki'

Sarracenia jonesii

Sarracenia x 'Judith Hindle'

Sarracenia x 'Ladies in Waiting'

Sarracenia x 'Mardi Gras'

Sarracenia x mitchelliana

Sarracenia var. montana

Sarracenia x moorei

Sarracenia x moorei

Sarracenia oreophila x flava

Sarracenia x wriggleyana

Sarracenia leucophylla

Sarracenia x 'Hummer's Hammerhead'

Sarracenia x 'Harvest of Gold'

Sarracenia var. ornata

Sarracenia x readii

Sarracenia purpurea form. heterophylla

Sarracenia x "Heart of Envy"

Sarracenia x 'Ladybug'

Sarracenia x 'Leah Wilkerson'

Sarracenia flava var. rubicorpora

Sarracenia x 'Cobra Nest'

Sarracenia x "Coventry"

Sarracenia x 'Junebug'

Sarracenia x oreophila

Sarracenia x psittacina

Sarracenia rubicorpora x ornata

Sarracenia ssp. venosa

Also, sorry for not posting more and keeping in touch. Doing housework has kept me and Dog busy for the last few months. I apologize to those whose fursuits I was supposed to get done but now that there's light at the end of the tunnel, I should be able to jump back to work and we should be able to start hosting games on Fridays once more.
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