(no subject)

Jun 13, 2005 20:24

(1) Your gender: Female
(2) Straight/gay/bi?: Straight
(3) Single?: No
(4) Want to be?: sometimes.
(5) Your birth day: December 4th
(6) Age you wish you were: I love being 16.
(7) Your height: 5' 6"
(9) The color of your eyes: blue
(10) The color of your hair: Blonde
(11) Piercings?: None
(12) Tattoos?: Never.
(13) Smoke?: No
(14) Do drugs?: No
(15) Read the newspaper?: No
(16) Pray?: No
(17) Talk to strangers who IM you?: Not usually
(18) Take walks in the rain?: I love the rain
(19) Drive?: I have my own car
(20) Like to drive fast?: Depends on my mood
(21) Hurt yourself?: Never. Self mutilation is not my thing.
(22) Been out of the country?: Been to Mexico
(23) Been in love?: Yes
(24) Done drugs?: :( I'm saying no.
(25) Gone skinny dipping?: No
(26) Had a surgery?: No
(27) Ran away from home?: No
(28) Played strip poker?: No
(29) Gotten beaten up?: No
(30) Been picked on?: Duh..all through 8th grade. All the boys called me "Double Ds" even though my boobs really aren't that big
(31) Been on stage?: Yes
(32) Slept outdoors?: Yes
(33) Thought about suicide?: Well I thought about it, but I never thought about actually killing myself.
(34) Pulled an all-nighter?: Yep.
(35) If yes, what is your record?: Honestly? 3 days.
(36) Talked on the phone all night?: Yes! In 5th grade to Charlotte, Antoinette, and Alicia. And I've talked to AJ for about 3-4 hours once.
(37) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: Yes. David, Jordan. (I'm NOT a slut..they were my best friends when I was younger, and I NEVER did anything with them.)
(38) Slept all day? I can't do that. When I wake up after doing that I feel left out. As if I missed something.
(39) Killed someone?: Of course.
(40) Made out with a stranger?: no
(41) Had sex with a stranger?: No
(42) Kissed the same sex?: No
(43) Done anything sexual with the same sex?: No
(44) Been betrayed?: Yes, by my two best friends. But I'm over it.
(45) Broken the law: well, yeah. Nothing bad though
(46) Met a famous person?: Simple Plan. They're dicks.
(47) Been on radio/TV.?: No, I'm not that great.
(48) Been in a mosh-pit?: Almost every weekend last year. I miss going to shows.
(49) Had a nervous breakdown?: No
(50) Been criticized about your sexual performance?: Psh, please.
(51) Had a dream that kept coming back?: Yeah
(52) Shoe brand?: I don't really care. Quite frankly I'm simple, I'd much prefer flip flops over heals any day.
(53) What are you normally wearing to school/work?: Jeans, collared shirts, skirts, ballet flats and flip flops. I have a fairly modest style
(54) Wear hats?: No, only AJs beanie that I think is really cute.
(55) Judge other people by their clothing?: Yes.
(56) Wear make-up?: Yeah
(57) Favorite place to shop?: I love Neiman-Marcus and Nordstroms. But I usually shop at Express and Hollister.
(58) Favorite article of clothing?: I love my ballet flats And my locaste pleated skirt.
(59) Are you trendy?: No, I have my own style.
(60) Believe in life on other planets?: We can't be the only life out there.
(61) Miracles?: I suppose.
(62) Astrology?: Its fun to read my horoscope
(63) Magic?: When I was younger
(64) God?: I don't know
(65) Satan?: I don't know
(66) Santa?: No
(67) Ghosts?: Yes
(68) Luck?: yeah!
(69) Love at first sight?: Not love. You have to work at love.
(70) Yin and Yang?: Umm no.
(71) Witches?: I don't know
(72) Easter bunny?: No.
(73) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Yes
(74) Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow: Duh.
(75) Do you wish on stars?: I used to
LOVE and all that
(76) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title?: No?
(77) Do you remember your first love?: Yes
(78) Still love him/her?: Yes
(79) Do you consider love a mistake?: No
(80) What do you find romantic?: Getting flowers randomly, having a boyfriend who always holds me and cuddles with me.
(81) Turn-on?: Guys who can make me laugh
(82) Turn-off?: cockiness
(83) Do you base your judgement on looks alone: No
(84) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?: No, I'd much prefer a guy to ask me out.
(85) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: Yes
(86) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: I'd like to think so.
(87) What is best about the opposite sex?: They aren't little brats like most girls are.
(88) What's the last present someone gave you?: Pearls
(89) Are you in love?: Yes
(90) That you laughed at?: Carli, Marianna, or Justine
(91) That laughed at you? : Carli, Marianna, or Justine
(92) That turned you on?: AJ
(93) You went shopping with? Suzy
(94) To disappoint you?: Just someone who I'm not going to name.
(95) To ask you out?: AJ
(96) To make you cry?: Aj a while ago.
(97) To brighten up your day?: Aww, Carli, Justine and Marianna<3
(98) That you thought about?: them^
(99) You saw a movie with?: Amityville Horror
(100) You talked to on the phone?: AJ
(101) You talked to through IM?: Carli
(102) You saw?: My mom
(103) You turned down?: Don't know.
(104) Smiled?: like 3 seconds ago...?
(105) Laughed?: Earlier today when Carli had one of her yelling fits<3 shes adorable
(106) Cried?: Don't remember
(107) Bought something?: a couple days ago
(108) Danced?: This afternoon
(109) Were sarcastic?: During most of this survey
(110) hugged someone?: This afternoon
(111) Talked to an ex?: a WHILE ago
(112) Watched your fave movie?: hmm a couple weeks ago
(113) Talked on the phone?: about 5 hours ago
(114) Listened to the radio?: this afternoon
(115) Watched TV?: 15 min ago
(116) Went out?: earlier today
(117) Helped someone?: today?
(118) Sang?: I am right now.
(119) Said "I love you"?: yesterday
(120) Got drunk?: a month ago
(121) Had sex?: none of your buisness
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