Nothing hurts when no one's real, She wants to shake this scene,...She's not looking for the holes in all their lies.
Day 2 of tranquilizers.
- I feel more normal
- no more panic attacks
- I don't notice when my Dopamine increases
- it works instantly
- I only have to take a fifth of the pill!
- taking a pill everyday to feel normal :(
- it will not cure this all the way
- im miserable without it so I always have to take it
- I still feel nervous every once in a while
- the medicine tastes icky
Want some panic disorder/ocd/ fun facts? Jennifer Love Hewitt and Billy Joe Armstrong from Green day and Jane Weidlin of the Gogo's all have panic disorder! Also, the model for Burburry has panic and had OCD. Well, here's another fun fact...I DONT HAVE OCD OR PANIC! Though, I don't know what I have... But I hate it, but this is life. I know I can still live a good life with this ...whatever it is. My shrink thinks it's anxiety, he's basically right. I don't have to take meds. for it, but it makes me so I can actually go to the mall without completely flipping out...It makes me feel more normal and calm.
Lulu, I just want to thank you for being there for me. Thanks for that comment you left me, because I know that you care and you try to understand why I feel bad. I'm so happy I met you this year because you truely are a wonderful lady, you're so nice and you always want to help. I don't think I've ever seen you have a bad day and let it get you down. You mean so much to me, so never go anywhere ok?! We must hang out this summer. We will, because we must. Thank you for always brightening my smile and making me happy...Never change ludj.
Wellp, on a hppier note,...last saturday was pretty cool. I'd explain it, but Ashley already did in hers, and well, I'm happy she did because I don't wanna write it down again lol. The only reason I'm sad that the school year is over is because it takes my mind of things and without it, it's not that great. I'm only gonna miss like 3 ppl. But I'm especially gonna miss Amy and Lulu. Amy isn't going to our school next year as all of you know, I'm so upset about that because I want her to so bad. I love her so much and I don't want her to go! I mean, I want her to be happy of course! But, I want her here with us. But if she's happy there, then that's cool too. And I'm gonna miss Lulu and seeing her everyday! I'm gonna miss cheating on the Image quizes in French with her too! I'm gonna miss listening to her say mean things to that evil girl in our political science class amanda.. I'm also gonna miss Mr.Davenport calling her "coletti" for the short time that he did lol. But, summer has began. What am I gonna do? Sit on my ASS! Where am I going? Nowhere. I'm gonna be immensely alone this summer...Oh well, shall go on. Hopefully I'll crush on SOMEONE next year...I haven't had a crush in 2 freakin years!
Oh well, maybe this summer I'll learn how to be more grateful...
love for all,