Nov 28, 2011 12:33
- Sun, 18:16: Grr.
- Sun, 18:33: Plans ruined...thanks to shelves taking forever to go
- Sun, 18:40: And thats a double ruin...
- Sun, 18:47: My thumb is bothering me :(
- Sun, 19:39: Positive thoughts positive outcome.
- Sun, 22:24: Mmm, Dove chocolate. #Delicious
- Sun, 22:37: Oh the joys of putting up a Christmas tree with the Taylor Family! Haha
- Sun, 23:59: Glad to know speeches wont be delivered tomm or Wed. #Relief Just need to work on that study guide sometime...
- Mon, 00:03: I dont feel like doing much of anything tonight even though I probably should??
- Mon, 00:52: Got most of my forms completed for Tuesday...should I work on a study guide, a lab, make note cards, or do a geology write-up?? #LazyNight
- Mon, 03:27: I dont really like this throbbing feeling of my thumb and my blahhh attitude tonight.. #GoAway
- Mon, 15:59: Its a nice day outside, so not in any mood to learn...!