Aug 22, 2005 12:54
There are always going to be certain people I hate, but in honor of no drama this year I will make peace with these people and let go of grudges.
I'm trying to make things better, but part of me doesnt even want peace witht hese people, bc some of these people are just downright mean and maybe even evil people. They dont have a nice bone in their body, so why should i? Well I'll tell you, bc I lvoe someone enough to put aside my personal opinion of the world in favor of this other person's opinion, bc i want this other person to be happy this year, bc this is a very important year in this other person's life. And so when this other person reads this, I wnat them to know that I lvoe them and that I'll do anything to make them happier and less stressed out this year, they just have to let me know.
That goes for all my friends. If there's anything I can do for anyone to make their lives less stressful just let me know and i'll try to do that.
Today is my first day off of work, i think i'll get this whole weekend off too, friday saturday and sunday, which is awesomebc it's the end of summer :(
Loeper- it's been onehell of a summer, let's make it one hell of a year
Caity- ur one of the most fun people i've ever met, and anyone (especially fat ass canadians) who calls u a slut this year, i will personally kick their ass (unless of course Tak gets to them first, which is fine)
Marissa- I'm so happy u finally found someone who loves you (and is so much better looking and overall better than pochan)
and finally
Amanda- We're all gonna friggin miss u so much, we'll def have to stay in touch via LJ and email and IM. I hope college is an amazing experience for you all
and also
Matt- tho u dont read my LJ (ever) I love you and I'm glad we're starting to work things out, this year is gonna be another tough one for us, but we can do it
I heart my friends <3