(no subject)

Dec 22, 2005 08:11

So you know what, I am getting really sick of selfish and greedy people. Mainly my brother. I mean honestly. I was babysitting my cousin, he is about 6 maybe, and he brought over a ps2 game. Well I only have a ps1, so I went in my brothers room and got his ps2, I didnt play any of his games or anything, I just got the ps2 so Tyler (my cousin) could play the game he brought over. Well my brother wakes up and we are playing and he throws this big huge fit becuase I didnt ask to play his ps2. DHFRSDLKFSDKFH he angers me. Or like yesterday me and Stephanie are just sitting there and trying to watch a movie, and he's being dumb and trying to show off and getting in front of the tv, so we cant see, and just making me mad.

And another think, I just hate how a lot of people take the idea of christmas for granted. They see it as a time just for presents and getting stuff. I mean yea, thats great and all, who doesnt enjoy getting stuff... but its also a time for just being with your family, and celebrating Jesus' birth. But not many people take the time to think about that kind of suff. And its mainly kids. Becuase they grow up thinking christmas is all about the presents.

ahhh well I woke up at 6:15 today...and I have to do it again tomorrow..pretty much sucks.. cuz Im babysitting, well it doesnt suck becuase I am babysitting, I dont mind watching my cousin, I just hate getting up at 6:00. especially on break...ohh well.

I might be going bowling today...Im not sure though. I should have tried calling Mike when I woke up, I betcha he would have been home then...haha, thats probably the only time he is home. But I dont really want his parents to hate me, so... yea scratch that idea.

My kitty Skyler Marie is sitting next to me... yea I pretty much x3 her. Doesnt everyone though?? shes just the sweetest little kitty...haha.

Im running out of stuff to talk about now. Everyone is sleeping, except for Jessica, shes the only loser online..haha, not really.

okay well thats all I have
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