May 17, 2005 10:03
Ok first i have to reply to a mesage I recieve..
Jena your a dumb bitch!! Shut the fuck up. If you dont want to read about my drama and hear about all of my shit, then dont fucking read it. Can it be anymore simpler than that. No one forces you to read it. in fact its usually on friends only so how hard is it to leave me the hell alone? And where do you get off telling me I start drama, you fucked my girl friend right after I left her house. Talk about drama. you have no room to talk, slut whore.
Next, now I'm just being hostile..
Now I'm on a speil. Tyla..what the fuck is your god damn problem. You can shut the fuck up too. Please let me know how I didnt not kiss your ass and get on your bad side please. Is it because of your god damn cd cause if so then here I'll toss it by your fucking house. Please just tell me what the hell bit your ass to make you hate me so much. Oh and by the way, if you wouldnt have been such a bitch and hung out with us,as in me, trisha and schmidt, she wouldnt have crashed either because we would've been picking up your dumb bitch ass . So shut the fuck up!
I dont give a fuck
I dont give a fuuuuuuuuuuuk
I dont give a damn
I dont give a daaaaaaaaaamn!
Last but not least...
We spend too much time together!!!