Dec 04, 2007 04:17
I should make an insightful post sometime soon. But I probably won't.
My gaming computer's on the hurts. Its RAID-array appears to be malfunctioning and as a result Vista's having quite a fit. What concerns me is not the state of affairs, more how it arrived there. There are presently five running possibilities:
a.) The RAID array really, really hates to be improperly shut down/have its power cut off and will lose data like a sieve should it happen.
b.) One of the disks in the RAID array is actually breaking down. I sure hope not - both disks are only a year old. They're western digital though, so go fig.
c.) The subwoofer is near enough to the machine as to disrupt it when music is played at high enough volume. Seriously. Magnets.
d.) The RAM is bad, and the failures to load windows/lockups/assorted other bizarreness are a result of that.
e.) The BIOS is fucked up. This is always a distinct possibility with ASUS.
Some of these are nicer than others. The RAM, for instance, I've checked and double checked with memtest86 I don't know how many times. Fairly certain that's not the culprit, but these do seem like RAM-related issues. Assuming the disks are ok (a big assumption), that leaves the BIOS, the RAID array itself, and the subwoofer; I'll be addressing all three.
But seriously, this is bull. I run the machine for nearly a year with nary a hiccup and 4 months later (with the advent of vista and a move) it's crapping all over itself.
Just wanted to get that off my chest.