um ya i dont now you but i just thought that you should know america doesn't have and official language and i dont want to sound like a bitch by saying this but you really should check your facts before making a statement like 'We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!' i really dont want to sound rude by saying this and please dont take it that way, i just thought you should know.
please please please dont take this the wrong way.
im sure ashley wont take it the wrong way but you are right. we do have an official language but the whole thing that kinda makes america america is that we have almost ALL languages.
it doesn't matter you dont know me and i dont know you. i'm a friend of a friend. and i dont even go to your school. but if you want to know my name is hilary.
i clicked on the link in brianna's live journal the friends one too see if my pics showed up in that thing too cause i'm used to xanga and i wondered what it looked like(why i'm saying all this i'm still not sure). and i just happened to see IMMIGRANTS, NOT AMERICANS, MUST ADAPT. in big letters and being the nosie person i am i decided to read it. you do make some good points i just wanted to inform you that we dont have an official language. its not like i'm stalking you and have been reading you journal for months or anything.` this is the first time i have read it but you did post this on the internet where anyone who wanted to could read it.
well i'm just letting you know. and sense it is a forwarded thing you can't always believe everything you read. and seriously i didn't mean to start something with you if that what you think this is.
Well, as far as I am concerned, ENGLISH IS OUR OFFICIAL LANGUAGE. That was the whole point of this essay, as well as this and every other journal, to express views and opinions.
well as far as your concerned no one cares that thats what you think. we have no official language and if you think engilsh should be our official language write your senaters and whom ever else you think you should and have it changed.
please please please dont take this the wrong way.
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