Feb 06, 2005 09:19
A) first, recommend to me:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist:
4. a song:
5. an album:
(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want. No holds barred.
(C) Then go to your own journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends to do the same thing you've just completed.
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Comments 2
1. a movie: you've seen all the movies I have i think
2. a book: The Atonement Child or The Secret Life of Bees
3. a musical artist: you already listen to the same bands as me haha
4. a song: umm same as above i guess
5. an album: haha umm all the ones im burning for you
(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want. No holds barred.
1. How's it goin?
2. Who is your fantasy man? haha
3. What is your opinion of me?
2. hmm. usher...hotness.
3. my opion of you: your awesome i love you!
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