Nov 17, 2006 13:42
so i talked with mr. whitman and asked him why i didnt make the show and what i can do to improve. he told me he was actually glad that i had come to him cause he wanted to talk to me about it. he said that i work well with others so it wasnt that they thought i would have trouble in ensmble. also said my reading was strong and that i take good direction ( that's good to hear). he said my dance was fairly good and that if given more time i could probly get it down ( that suprised me big time. i thought that was gonna be why i didnt make it) he said the main reason i didnt make it was they were concerned with my singing. ouch. he said that they thought i had pitch trouble and sounded breathy. i agree though. that was a bad song for me because i didnt sound strong on the high notes. im not very strong at solo singing. i've been trained for the past 13 years to be an ensmble singer and that's what im strong at. unfortunately, you dont discover that in auditions. it's all bout the solo audition then. (slight side note: one would think that would throw off the blending of the ensmble by doing that.) he gave me some pointers and told what i should do to fix it and improve my chances for the next musical. however, he did tell me that he's looking forward to seeing me in the one acts and to see what i've done with that. that makes me happy. still though, i'd love to do a musical. maybe next year.