Quiz Stolen From Meredith!

Dec 31, 2004 11:48

-sex: Female.
-birthday: April 3
-color: um, White?
-sign: Aries
-place of birth: Bomanville General Hospital
-current residence: Orono
-hair color: Black
-eye color: Blue Green
-height: 5’3
-writing hand: Right


-do you bite your nails: when I'm nervous
-can you roll your tongue: yes
-can you blow smoke rings: No
-can you blow spit bubbles: Ew
-can you cross your eyes: yes
-tattoos and where: No
-do you make your bed daily: sometimes
-what's sexiest on a guy: Makeup, Tight pants, Plaid, Fishnets, etc..
-what's sexiest on a girl: See above. +corsets
-do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: roll it
-what utensils do you use eating pizza: My hand
-do you cook: yeah


-how often do you brush your teeth: Three times a day usually
-do you shower/bathe: Every Morning
-how long do these showers last: 15-20 minutes.
-hair drying method: Towel, Hair dryer.
-do you pee in the shower: Um, I prefer the toilet.
-what color is your bedroom: Purple.
-do you use an alarm clock: For School.
-name four things or people you're obsessed with: Music, Chris, Ville, Nakedness.
-what's your sleeping position: On my stomach with my head in my arms.
-what kind of bed do you like: Soft Ones
-in hot weather do you use a blanket: Yeah, but I'm normally not wearing a whole lot underneath it
-do you sleepwalk: yeah
-do you talk in your sleep: I've been told I do
-how about the light on: no
-do you fall asleep with the TV or radio: neither


had sex: None of your fucking business.
watched bambi: when I was like 3?
cried: two days ago.
talked on the phone: like 20 minutes ago
read a book: like 8 years ago


is music important to you: Yes.
do you sing: Usually by myself.
what instruments do you play: 6 string elec. guitar
what do you think of Eminem: I’d rather not.
in your opinion what band is the best of all time: HIM, and Cradle of Filth, and Thyrfing!


pop music: Who really cares?
punk music:
rap music:
new age:
indie rock:


Could you live without the computer?: Probably not.
What's your favorite fruit?: strawberries
What hurts the most? Physical or emotional pain?: Emotional.


Of times you have had your heart broken?: A couple times.
Of hearts you have broken?: I don't think any..
Of girls kissed?: two.
Of boys kissed?: two.
of drugs taken illegally?: 1 or 2.
Of tight friends?: a couple..
Of CD's owned: quite a few..
Of scars on my body?: too many to count.

-ARE YOU A...-

Wuss: About some things, yes.
Druggie: I wouldn't consider myself one.
Gang member: No
Daydreamer: Yes
Alcoholic: No, but I could easily become one.
Freak: I suppose.
Brat: I can be
Sarcastic: Mhm
Goody-goody: Not really.
Angel: Not really.
Devil: I don’t even know what that means.
Friend: to some people, yes.
Shy: Not really. It all depends on my mood.
Adventurous: Somewhat.
Intelligent: I’d like to think so.


Your best feature [personality]: Don’t have one.
Most annoying thing you do: Live.
Biggest mistake you've made thus far: Too many to name.
Describe your personality in one word: Unexplainable.
A smell that makes you smile: Axe..I don't know what kind but Chris wears it.. Gasoline.
A city you'd like to visit: Mulheim Germany, Helsinki Finland.
A drink you order most often: Water
The music you prefer while alone: HIM.
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