Dec 14, 2004 18:55
So my grandma is in the hospital for the third time in two months. I guess she has blood clots in her legs, and the meds. she was taking gave her a type of brush-burn in her stomach which is just making her sicker. I went to see her today with my mom, and at first I didn't want to go. I mean, I know that sounds terrible but I was so scared that she was going to look terrible, and I was going to end up crying. Well, I was 1/2 right. She looked like absolute shit. She's lost so much weight, and she's on a liquid diet because of her diabetes. It's not good. Like, my mom's already talking about my grandpa moving in with us if something happens. I'm scared. I'm trying to keep faith, but it's so hard. I'm trying to pray, but it just doesn't come out. I don't know.
I got into a fight with my dad... like, he was actually mad at me. Which never, EVER happens. It was something so dumb too. We didn't even talk until he picked me up from dance. So the oh-so-mature silent treatment for four hours. Beautiful, huh?
Then there was a BIG fight with my mom, which actually hasn't happened since LV. She actually fucking hit me again too. I was so pissed. I should have just left. Once again, it was over something so stupid. blah.
Alright, I'm done. Sorry, but since this is my journal I figured I was allowed to rant.
School was okay.... besides the fact my grades suck. AT leats it's only five week, so I'll be able to bring them up. (I hope) I failed a French test, and fucked up in chem. The usual.
I didn't get to see anyone... ::sigh:: But tomorrow, I am def. hanging out. So, yeah.
I need to sleep. And ice. I fucking killed my ankle in dance, so walking shall be an issue tomorrow, lol.