Dead Kennedys <3333
I fell on the ground today on my red dress and the hot kid helped me pick up my Japanese books.
He said "Hey, are you alright?"
"Yeah, thanks" I replied.
Then he was like "Whoa, your lunchbox is cool. That's like, my favorite movie."
And then I said, "Yeah, Kill Bill rocks."
I didn't get his name...
Pens and pen-knives take the blame.
Crane my neck & scratch my name but the ugly marks are worth the momentary gain...
When I jab a sharpened object in choirs of angels, they seem to singhymns of hate in memorandum.
And you might say it's self-indulgent.
You might say it's self-destructive.
But, you see, it's more productive than if I were to be happy.
And sappy songs about sex and cheating,
bland accounts of two lovers meeting,
make me want to give mankind a beating.
You might say its self-inflicted,
but you see that's contradictive.
Why on earth would anyone practice self destruction?
Makes me want to give myself a beating....