Jun 05, 2008 19:05
So I want to nerd out for a minute. I've re-watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy this week, and unlike many I was someone who actually read those ridiculously long books. I'm not an elitist by any means, but there were portions of the movie that didn't hold true with the books. Namely the absence of a particular character who turns out to play a big part in the long run. Tom Bobadilo. Now, the big controversy behind not putting Tom in the movie was that Frodo, Merry, Pippin, and Sam all receive gifts that later play a role in the film. In particular a blade that Merry wielded in the battle for Gondor. Eowyn was shown in the movie as being the one who had slain the Witch-King. Now, in the book if you go back and read it, she did in fact stab the Witch-King in the head with her blade but it was revealed that the killing blow was actually from the blade by which Merry had pierced his knee with.
Now go back and watch that scene very closely, in slow motion if you have to. You will see Merry in the background, barely visible striking the ring wraith in the back. Ever so briefly and not 100% accurate, but the attempt itself was admirable in my eyes as to an attempt to stay true to the book. Granted you are still left with the absence of Tom Bobadilo in the trilogy but in all honesty it wasn't that gigantic of an issue to be complaining about. I suppose you could also point out to me that in the book Faramir wasn't a total prick and aided Frodo more than he hindered him. But again, small potatoes.
Also The Condemned is a fun movie if you really are just in the mood to watch things/people blow up as opposed to actually giving a shit about plot and exploiting plot holes. Other movies I highly recommend. 3:10 to Yuma, and No Country for Old Men. Both of which were just fucking amazing movies if they're your thing.