(no subject)

Jan 20, 2005 00:46

I haven't done any drugs since Sunday. GO ME! Not that I'm trying to quit or anything, I just haven't done any. I got into a car accident Monday night. That wasn't fun. I didnt get hurt or anything and I did a little damage to the car, nothing noticable though... just the liscence plate is all bent to hell....opps.
Work is going somewhat fast this week. I smoked less then a half a pack today. GO ME. Better then my full pack a day that I normally smoke. LOL.
I've had no social life all week, except for seeing Sarah and Steve yesterday, and going to mcdonalds with Mike. { Thanks Mike ;) } So yeah.
On friday I didn't go to work, I hung out with Guillaume, Lisa and Kenny instead. Got my hair dyed during the day when I was hanging out with Shawna, Heather, Angie and Danielle and Angie's boy toy. Then I got my lip peirced at night. It was funny. Kenny actually watched the needle go right through my lip. He hates oral peircings and thinks they are gross. Guillaume and Lisa watched aswell.
We got pulled over by a cop right after we smoked a joint. it was so funny, I was so lucky we got away with it too. HAHAHA fun times. Anyways thats about all as in I am to lazy to continue to write anymore.
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