Jun 13, 2005 19:26
Like seriously, it would have been tough for this day to have been any better. That's kinda funny because DARIEN LAKE tomorrow may be better, but for now, this is by far the best day in a massively long time.
The day starts, for me, at 2 AM when I get up and meet Pete, Mike, and Brad to go fork some teachers! Hit Jonesey first, then what we thought was Mr. Nowak. Turns out BRAD screwed up and we hit the wrong Betty L Nowak. Holy fuck, some 79 year old woke up to an interesting scene this morn. And I made an amazing OHM symbol! A very tough symbol to make, let me tell you. MASTER OF MY DOMAIN. Haha, that reminds me of Seinfeld and interesting competitions...
But anyways, then we head over to Midge's, fork her lawn with like 1000 forks. And then, by now its almost 5, we decide to head over to Weggies to buy Mrs. Marshall breakfast!!! We get lost on the way (thanx a lot stupid, deceitful mapboy!) And Brad almost kills us multiple times by first going down a 1-way street, twice!!! (He turned aroudn in a parking lot, got disoriented, and then went to go the wrong way again!) And then, when asking for directions, Pete tells him to go straight, and Brad just decides "Okay, I'll go straight!" Unfortunately, there was a red light in front of him. Bravo my moronic friend.
So we finally reach Weggies, and we go in hoping ot find bagels, but none are out, so instead we spontaneously decide to buy COOKIE CAKE (I AM COOKIE MONSTER). yum. Then head over to a bagel place, buy some bagels, and then to Starbucks to get Midge her Chia Latte (with Skim Milk - we guessed right!). We returned to her house, and she heard us and looks down from a window upstairs with a look of utter disbelief. hahahahaha, fuckin hilarious, she comes down in her robe, pajama pants and slippers, and invites us in. We sit down to a great breakfast, where Midge learned many interesting things, including Mike's sex life, my stupidity on the roof, the 5 times I've had run-ins with the cops, and the 1 time we had a run-in with... some other department. hahaha, it was so much fun.
And come on, how many people can say that they've had breakfast with Midge... in her bath robe!
So, after being up for 5 hours already, I stumble into school, where not much is done besides yearbook signings the first 2 periods. Then in 3rd, we get breakfast pizza (my 2nd breakfast with Midge that day), and play cards and watch Joe Lewis' film. Great great great period. Then an amazing last Eastern Religions class. Then I see Pete's theatre final, great job btw, and then speed off to Peritnton Pizza, sneaking Hauza out with me, for some FREE SHEET PIZZAS from our great friends at PP. Free Pizza and soda, it was awesome. After that, we headed back for our last theatre class (so sad) and spent like half the period talking about how amazing this year has been. Alexis started to cry in class, and as we walked out to my car the next period, Kelsey did to just talking about it with me. I am going to miss that class so much. All the people in that were so much fun. I'm gonna miss seeing them. (Reunion???)
Then, yea, we go out to lunch 7th, back to Perinton Pizza. We watch Gabe, Pete, and Brad almost finish a basket of 50 wings (I had 3 at the end when they couldn't eat any moer), and had just an overall great time talking and laughing and being hyper. GABE WILL EAT YOU!!!
Then the last 2 periods pass by quickly, with not much happening, everyone counting downt he seconds, and the day ending with watching STUPID HUMAN BEHAVIOR in econ, so hilarious. And Stokes could so be on that. Hell, most of us could.
Then I go swim suit shopping with Bina at Old Navy!!! It was awesome!!! So much fun! I helped her pick out her swim suit (sexy!) and she helped me with mine. I like taking a girl along for clothes shopping, because they actually have some fashion sense. I should do that more often, assuming any of them would be willing. Ha, who am I joking.
After that, we head over to Center Park for one of the best days of frisbee ever!!! I get there late, and like 2 poinst are played b4 people go over 4 a water/food/music break. PARTY!!! And then, just as we were picking new teams, its start POURING. Like, not normal rain. FUCKIN MUTANT ASS RAIN-HAIL SHIT! You couldn't look in the direction the rain was comin from, because it was so strong, it just tore apart your eyes. Only me, sven and a few others were stupid enough to stay out there the whole time. But the diving in the rain was awesome. And I love lightning.
And then, as the rain started letting up, other people started discovering the joys of diving into the puddles and slick ground. You could totally get like 10 feet of slidage!!! itw as awesome!!! Then we started sliding down the hill. That was insane, you could get going so fast down it! The only part that sucked was getting ass-burns when you get to the sidewalk... haha, o well, my ass will live on. And you should see the hill now, torn apart! Then more divage, and then, like god poking his head out of heaven, it stops raining, becomes hot and sunny again, has NO WIND. AKA - PERFECT FRISBEE WEATHER. And we had a great game after the rain and slidage. It was intensely amazing, and I feel bad for anyone who wasn't there, and worse for people who gave up on the weather and left.
wow, what a kickass incredible, fantabulous day!!!!!!!!
And, I need to go now, or I would write more! Peace!!