(no subject)

Sep 26, 2009 01:02

hey everyone sorry ive been gone, and im not exactly entirely back yet. sunday afternoon i took cory to the hospital. since i met him he's had these moments, well days really, where he complains of extreme pain in his side and stomach. it gets to the point where he can barely move let alone do anything else.

sunday was one of those days and after attempting to get him to sleep and failing for hours i told him we were going to the hospital, and that he had no choice. this had nothing to do with dominance and submission. this had to do with the fact that i'm sick of this and tired of him saying he doesnt want to go to the doctor. it ends today. after much convincing, he finally agreed. we went.

it was a good thing we did, he had to get his gulbladder removed, sunday the damn thing had finally gotten so rotten and black that it had split open, he had gone septic and it had to come out. i stayed with him for the entire night, even tho it meant sleeping in a chair next to his bed and getting up every three hours to demand his pain medication. he got it taken out the next morning, sunday, but had to remain in the hospital, i stayed by his side still. he was released tuesday afternoon.

wednesday afternoon cassie went into the hospital to deliver her baby, i was to be her coach and i was not about to let her down. however the baby had some trouble passing her hearing test and cassie was GBS or something positive i can't really remember the term but its some sort of carrier for strep throat or somthing. we were released thursday night at 11:45 pm.

it is not saturday and i am remaining with her and the new baby, whose name is Elliot Makenzi by the way, i named her, until monday. im not sure if i will be on monday night or not as Cory is still at my house. i disconnected my computer and moved it to hook his up on my desk so he could heal at my house in my room. he may still be there monday and if he is, i will be taking care of him, not on the computer, and if i am, not for very long.

Sammy, if you read this, please tell Jenny and explain that i am so sorry. i really wanted to talk to her but life got in the way. when i do return, there is nothing i'd love more than to talk to her and catch up. its nothing personal. not at all.
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