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brokenrecord__ January 11 2013, 03:40:02 UTC
Yeah, the cases themselves I typically don't get that invested in, but then I pretty much never get invested in the cases on any other procedural I watch or have watched in the past, so I'm totally just in it for the Joan/Sherlock and the individual character development, and that all has been absolutely A++++!

UGH IT'S THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M PRETTY MUCH DYING RIGHT NOW FROM TODAY'S EPISODE, I CAN'T FOCUS ON ANYTHING ELSE. And it really is amazing how much it adds to this story that's been adapted like a million times before now. Every choice they make in their modernization and adaptation to this form has been so perfect. I adore how they've been able to develop Lydia, and even characters like Charlotte and Jane, in different ways from the book. AND IT'S INSANE HOW INTO LIZZIE/DARCY I AM RIGHT NOW. POSSIBLY MORESO THAN IN THE BOOK, IDK. Their take on Darcy (agoraphobic lobster!!!) is so excellent, and yeah, just... everything is so great!!!!!!! I can't flail enough about this show right now. I know what you mean, I feel like I haven't had nearly as many ships these days I've been this flaily about as I was like a couple years ago, so it's awesome getting so invested in them like this.

Thank you!!! :D


starryeyedmagic January 12 2013, 18:16:41 UTC
OMG ME TOO!! THE LAST EP ABSOLUTELY KILLED ME! It's hilarious because I watch these at work during my lunch break and so I can't really react to it the same way I would if I was sitting at home watching it. But apparently I made such obvious SQUEAKY GIGGLY NOISES (WHICH I TRIED SO HARD TO KEEP DOWN BTW!!!) THAT MY BOSS WALKED IN AND ASKED IF I WAS OK! LOLOL

I'm not sure if I ship it more than the book?? Maybe?? I think it has to do with the different format. It's easier to ship something in a series since there's more time to get into character stuff/it lasts longer so your obsession can only grow by the day.

You know, I accidentally re-read the book again while watching this. I meant to just check out certain chapters and then before I knew it I re-read the whole thing, haha! I really do love the way Elizabeth's changing feelings are portrayed though. Because it actually starts happening REALLY quickly once she sees him at Pemberley, and she's just completely shaken up by it and doesn't even know how to comprehend ALL THE FEELINGS. She's there for only a few days when she gets the letter about Lydia's drama and one of the first things she thinks is "...I can't see Darcy proposing again after this..."and that's what makes her really understand THAT'S WHAT SHE WANTED. Of course then he totally surprises her by not only proving how intensely he loves her, but actually "saving the day" where Lydia's concerned.

I'd actually much prefer Lydia to tell Wickham to GTFO herself, but I'd still like Darcy to do SOMETHING since it was such a big deal in the book that he did. lol can you imagine Darcy in a Lydia video when that happens?


brokenrecord__ January 18 2013, 04:08:27 UTC
I can't watch the episodes at work at all sadly since we don't even have cubicles so everyone would see/hear me, but I do end up watching them in my car on my lunch break, and I always feel pretty ridiculous for how much I end up flailing and squeeing inside my car with every ep!!!

Yeah, the different format definitely makes a difference, since obviously I can just read all of P&P or watch the movie all in one go and I don't have to wait week to week for new stuff; the waiting for each episode for further development definitely builds the excitement and anticipation more. More is probably not the right word, but I definitely ship it differently than I did in the book/movie, both for that reason and just because with it being modernized, their characters and relationship are a little different as well.

Yeah, I reread parts of the Pemberley chapters a week or two ago, and it does go really fast. One thing I love about this adaptation is that the format is making Pemberley feel more drawn out, which is excellent because Pemberley is pretty much my favorite part! And I agree, I do hope Lydia has some agency in whatever happens with Wickham, but Darcy of course has to be involved in some way. Oh man, Darcy in a Lydia video would be so weird and hilarious. ugh I'm so excited to see what they choose to do with all this!!!


starryeyedmagic January 19 2013, 13:29:18 UTC
lol we don't have cubicles either. My part of the office is basically just a big room with 3 other people...one of which was mocking my OTT reaction yesterday, but I don't even care, haha. I also literally got 3 of my co-workers into it so it's like JANE AUSTEN BONANZA at work.

You know what I think makes me ship Lizzie/Darcy maybe more too? ALL THE DARCY MOCKING! lol! It's totally
canon that she does this in the book (and most of the adaptations...Jennifer Ehle even put on a "Darcy voice" in a part of the 1995 one, haha) but in this version it's just SO MUCH MORE. I mean, she talks about him SO MUCH that it makes her seem completely infatuated with him in a much bigger way than she was in the book (in the first half at least). And it's so odd really because the adaptation where Darcy doesn't even show up until midway through is the one where she seems more into him??

Although I don't want to go with the "she secretly loved him all along" line of thinking because she did have completely legit reasons for hating him. He was a total ass to her a bunch of times and I don't want to forget that. She could never really fall in love with him until she knew him better, BUT I wouldn't be surprised if they argued so intensely one time that they ended up making out regardless. Because sometimes feelings are more complicated than who would be "good" for you (of course Darcy is PERFECT for her, but I just mean if she never found that out).

idk I just find it funny how he's not even there and somehow their relationship is played up more. Although really since the story itself is told from Elizabeth's POV you barely get to know him more than she'll let you in the first half of the book anyway. The reader only sees what Elizabeth sees, but here it's like costume theater shows a closer look at Lizzie's feeling for him because the dramatizations add another layer of truth on top of just "this is what happened". And often that's a truth that Lizzie hasn't even acknowledged to herself at the time.

You know what I kind of want to see (when thinking of Lydia and Darcy interaction) is something coming up about Lizzie that prompts Lydia to say "...and that's reason #37 why Lizzie Bennet is perpetually single" and then Darcy would say something about how he actually LOVES whatever it is too causing Lydia to just gape at him.


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