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zombie_boogie December 1 2012, 18:21:33 UTC
This episode wasn't my favorite of the season, but there also wasn't anything I particularly had a problem with; it was just a solid episode!

My feelings exactly!

I love that something good has come out of the collapse of Entertainment 720. I was originally disappointed in the fallout of that storyline, because I was so excited to see some progress with Tom and then it seemed like he was just going back to square one. But now I can see the bigger picture that Entertainment 720 needed to fail so that Tom could learn and grow from the experience, and now he might actually have a successful business. And yes to your Tom/Ann lament. They've had really great scenes this season, why couldn't they have been like that last season???

April not being involved in the Leslie storyline didn't bother me that much, because from all the interviews with Mike Schur I've read he really emphasizes that April and Leslie will be working together on the Lot 48 stuff. I also hope that we get to seen Ben involved with Rent-a-Swag, because I had the impression that he agreed to help Tom.

It made very little sense to me that Schmidt couldn't kiss Winston considering how many times he's kissed Nick??? Like the second that came up as the final test or whatever, I was like "Oh, Schmidt has this, he should have no problem winning," and then… no. It confused me.


I really enjoyed the latest episode because NICK MILLER IS A NATIONAL TREASURE.

I've read some of the LBD posts complaining about a) Wickham not being "bad" enough and b) Lizzie not revealing the parts of the letter that pertain to Gigi, and like what are these people on? Wickham completely abused his relationship with Darcy, and four years of tuition is a shittonne of money to blow. We also don't know what exactly he blew it on, and that can't be good. With regards to Gigi, I'm so glad Lizzie didn't talk about that part. I'm sure it was mentioned in the letter, but it was a good choice both from a character point of view (Lizzie wouldn't do that) and a meta point of view (she can't reveal that stuff because Lydia can't know yet!) to have her not talk about it.

It was a little odd that Lizzie kept trying to frame it as hypothetical, but I'm choosing to believe that it's because she's afraid of her own shifting feelings. Yes.

No no no people of the internet, they showed Darcy at the perfect time! Because the show has been set up as so tightly from Lizzie's perspective, and he needs to show his actual face at that exact moment because that's when LIZZIE's perspective suddenly changes! He pops into the frame, and suddenly Lizzie's whole frame of reference shifts! UNTIL THIS MOMENT I NEVER KNEW MYSELF. It's brilliant! I do think people are probably adjusting to the pacing. When you're watching everything in a row all the developments blend together, whereas when you're watching in 3 minute segments twice a week it might seem like not a lot is happening.

I wouldn't want an iPad if my main purpose for having a tablet was to read books. The screen is too shiny! I like my Kobo because it looks like the printed page!


brokenrecord__ December 11 2012, 04:20:55 UTC
So much yes to all your Entertainment 720 thoughts!!! I remember at the time I was really excited that they were going to let Tom pursue his dreams and step outside of the Parks department, and while it was obvious that something like that was going to have to fail spectacularly, it was pretty disappointing to see Tom just end up returning to the Parks department like nothing had changed. BUT NOW IT'S JUST LIKE AN IMPORTANT STEPPING STONE FOR TOM TO GET WHERE HE NEEDS TO BE TO FOLLOW HIS DREAMS FOR REAL!!! So excited for this storyline!!!

I hadn't read any interviews with Mike Schur, so I'm definitely glad to hear April will probably be more apart of it later on! It just felt a little odd after that wonderful Leslie vs. April episode that April would suddenly not be apart of Leslie's efforts on Lot 48 with no mention. And I am definitely with you in wanting to see Ben help Tom with Rent-a-Swag. I missed their friendship from season 3 and early season 4, so I'm hoping to see more of that.

ugh yes, exactly, I really don't understand some people's reactions to a lot of LBD stuff. I mean, the thing is too, it's not like Wickham is the devil incarnate, he doesn't need to have murdered someone in his past, so I don't get how wasting what is likely over $100,000 in one year that was supposed to last him 4 and then asking for more isn't bad enough? And man, as much as a viewer I want to know what happened between Gigi and Wickham, it wouldn't have worked in any way for Lizzie to tell us what happened yet. We're going to find out eventually, and knowing the source material means we have some sort of idea anyways, so I don't quite understand why that's not enough for people for now?

UGH, RIGHT??? I just... a lot of people's LBD reactions make no sense to me. I get that everyone loves Darcy (I DEFINITELY DO, TOO), but they revealed him at exactly right point, and they can't show him again until Pemberley, and there is supposed to be a break between the letter and Pemberley; it can't be one right after the other.

My biggest issue with the iPad is that it's too big if I'm using it primarily to read books. I want to be able to lie in bed and hold it in just one hand, and there's no way I can do that with an iPad. And I know there's an iPad mini, but... if all I want to do is read books, why spend more on that? Plus I've already used the Nook for years and it's met all my ereader needs, so I don't see the point in switching.


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