So I ended up watching all of Teen Wolf last week, and now I have feelings.
Teen Wolf
…so, this show is kind of good??? I mean, it can be cheesy and the production values aren't the greatest (the wolf effects are just not good), and it's not like it's brilliant or on Breaking Bad levels or anything, but… it's just a lot of fun and so enjoyable, and I expected to like the characters but I didn't really think there'd be much to the plot? But I'm kind of in love with the show now and I don't know how that happened.
The show actually reminds me a lot of The Vampire Diaries in its first season. I'm not sure exactly how, I mean… it's less lady-focused and it's definitely lighter and sillier a lot of the time and it's not nearly as fast-paced. But I guess in just… the tone and the style and how it's not as episodic as I expected, it's really just a continuing story throughout both seasons. It's great, though, since I've been disappointed with The Vampire Diaries overall since around mid season 2, so it's nice to have a show like that again that I'm not nearly as disappointed in.
And the characters!!!!!! I love everyone, but most of all, Allison Argent, light of my life, absolutely obsessed with her. How she doesn't want to feel scared, she wants to feel powerful, so she takes up archery again and shoots things with arrows!!! But how she's also distinctly feminine? And she could've so easily just been the love interest and been 2-dimensional or always the damsel in distress, but she's so much more, she has her own stuff going on with her family and with figuring out what she wants and what she believes and the aforementioned shooting things with arrows and I can't really remember too many instances where I feel like Scott had to rescue her? Like, he has to protect people all the time, but it never feels skewed to where he's saving her more than, like, Stiles, for example.
AND SCOTT/ALLISON. THEY ARE AT OTP STATUS FOR ME, WHAT THE HELL. I DON'T UNDERSTAND. They're pretty much the opposite of what I tend to like in my ships!!! They get together basically at the start of the show (I usually need way more build-up and care less for established couples) and they have this Romeo/Juliet thing going on (I NORMALLY DON'T CARE FOR THIS AT ALL) and yet I'm just utterly in love with them!!!! I don't even know how it happened because I wasn't that sure about them in the pilot, but I gradually found myself finding them adorable over the first few episodes, and then I was devastated when they broke, and now they're just absolutely perfect to me. There is some stuff before Allison found out that made me feel a little uncomfortable like Scott sitting outside her window protecting her without her knowing it, but like… for the most part, those moments are few and far between, and he was going to tell her the truth but her dad beat him to the punch in revealing that, so it isn't too much of a problem for me. And it helps that they really never feel unequal in power? She seems just as equal in the relationship as he does, a lot of the time more powerful, and she dumped him when she felt she couldn't trust him, and it feels like her choice to be with him and just. They are perfect to me, I can't explain it!!!!!! (Also how devoted he is to her, it's ridiculous, I die. "His username is Allison? …His password is also Allison?" CRYING.)
Anyways, besides Allison and Scott/Allison, I really do love everyone else as well. I've heard that a lot of people are annoyed by Scott or don't like him much, which… really? But he's such a lovable doofus!!! idk, I just love his stupid face and his determination to protect absolutely everyone and how he takes on all tis responsibility he doesn't need to and idk I love him. And then there's Stiles, who is wonderful and hilarious and his friendship with Scott is the actual greatest. I love how even though he does play second fiddle to Scott in a lot of ways, he really never seems resentful at all towards him? He's so supportive and right there with him, and even turns down the opportunity to be ~equal with Scott by becoming a werewolf himself. It's just so great to me!!!
AND LYDIA, UGH I LOVE LYDIA. My Lydia feelings would rival my Allison feelings if Lydia actually got to do more on the show, but as it is I do really love her and eagerly await her finding everything out, because she has to at some point, right??? And by that I mean some point SOON and not all the way at the end of the season. I love that she is the shallow, popular girl, but she's also brilliant and knows Archaic Latin because she got bored with Classical Latin and is tired of people ignoring her or dismissing her and ughhh Lydia. She could so easily be the mean, popular girl, but, like with Allison, she's so much more than that. Even though this show really is pretty dude-focused, I'm not as bothered with it as I am with some shows because the ladies we do have are just so utterly brilliant. (Of course, that being said, always up for more ladies, show.)
And Stiles/Lydia, okay, this does not seem that popular a ship to me, and I don't get why because they're adorable!!! I mean, I guess maybe part of that is because of the popularity of Stiles/Derek, which is apparently the most popular ship in fandom??? I'm not telling people what to ship, and I'm not surprised that there are people who ship Stiles/Derek because there are shippers for every ship you can imagine, but I'm just… surprised based on the canon and all the possible pairings that they're really the most dominant pairing in fandom. I have nothing against them, but they don't do anything for me, so I don't ship them.
So I don't know if that has to do with why I don't see a lot of Stiles/Lydia love, but… they're just so cute to me!!! They also could be really cliche with the popular girl and the nerdy guy who's had a crush on her forever and she barely knows his name and he knows her better than anyone else, but just… it works for me! I don't know why all these like cliche and stereotypical set-ups work for me on this show, but somehow they just execute them really well??? It's bizarre. But I think it helps because I never feel like Stiles is condescending or is putting her down? He genuinely just likes her and thinks the world of her and doesn't shame her for her feelings for Jackson or make her feel bad for not being in love with him like he is with her? ugh idk they are just great to me and I feel like the show is pretty clearly setting up for them down the road and I am eagerly awaiting that.
I… don't really have Derek feelings at all? Like, there were points in season 1 when I almost did, but his stuff this season, idk. I'm not really sure where the show's going with him, and… yeah, idk. I'm kind of ambivalent about him.
Jackson I also have mixed feelings on? He's a fascinating character, but then… he's just such a jackass sometimes. And I don't need my characters to be perfect and good to love them, but the way he's dismissive and belittling towards Lydia and how he used Allison to get to Scott is difficult for me to get past. But him being the Kamina is really interesting, so I'm intrigued to see where that goes, and I'm really hoping there's more development for him down the road and he can stop being a jackass all the time.
There are also so many side characters I really love and it would take too long to get to them all, but I adore Erica so far and can't wait for more of her this season even though I'm afraid this can't end well for her, and all the Argents are utterly perfect I can't even, and Scott's mom and Stiles's dad are so great, really all the family stuff we see for all the kids is just perfect, and there's the vet who's also great and I need to know more about, and… yeah. I LOVE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING THE END.
We finally made the move to the new office building! There are… good and bad things about it.
Well, first, quickly: I am back to being super busy again at work, which sucks. It's as bad as it's ever been. But no more long hours at least? We're back to no overtime since overall we're not actually busy (it's really just me, ughhhh). Which is both good and bad since I could actually do with the extra time to get stuff done, but working those long hours is just way too exhausting and makes me less productive later on in the week anyways. But last week was at least a bit more relaxing what with having Wednesday off, and then Friday was the actual moving day, so around noon our phones got shut off and went to the new building, and we had 2 people over there to take calls and do work and stuff, but the only people that could get set up over there that quickly were the people who actually have laptops as their hardrives with monitors plugged in rather than a separate tower or whatever, so they could take their laptops over and just work off those. But my computer doesn't use a laptop, so I didn't have to go, so instead I got off work on Friday around 12:15! It was so nice.
But anyways, as I said, we're in the new building now. The commute is definitely shorter, which is obviously good, and I don't even have to take the freeway or anything, but the new place does have a separate parking structure and the office is on the 12th floor of the building, so it takes more time from when you get to the location to actually get into the office, which wasn't the case before, since it was a 2-story building and we were on the first floor and there was no structure, you just parked in the spaces right out front, and there was always room just right there. So that part's not as good. The office itself is also… not as good? We had cubicles and actual desks with drawers and cabinets and space at the old building (and I had a window!!!!), but that is no longer the case, we're all just like… on a row? It's called a bench system or something, and there's just no separation between people and we're all right on top of each other and there are no drawers and it really sucks. And there are no windows!!!! There are windows in the CEO and VP's offices, but not in the main area where we all are. I miss having windows. It's weird how you don't really notice how time goes by when there are no windows??? It sounds crazy, but it's true, like… the subtle changing of light or whatever outside would kind of cue that time had passed or what time of the day it is, but with no outside light, it felt like it was about 10 AM all day long. It was so bizarre.
I think there are probably more places to eat around the new place, which is good since I was getting tired of the stuff by the old building, but I'm also not as familiar with the area (I mean, it's actually in the same city I live in, but it's in the business district, so it's not like I go over there very often or am familiar with what's around there) so I'm still trying to get used to how to navigate the area and get around. But that'll get easier with time, of course. And it's close enough that I can probably go home on lunch and have a good half hour or 40 minutes to relax and eat and stuff. I didn't want to bother with it yesterday since I was getting used to getting in and out of the parking structure and getting around the area, but maybe later in the week I'll take advantage of being closer to home.
That is basically all that is going on in my life right now. I feel super boring. I'm still working on my 100 TV Ladies thing, and i'm actually further than I expected to be, so I should be able to post the next set sometime this weekend hopefully. Doing this is really making me want to rewatch all the shows, though, which is unfortunate since I definitely don't have time to do so, ugh. But Breaking Bad is returning Sunday!!!!!!!!!!! ugh so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!