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Jun 12, 2012 07:58

So I'm still not great about being active here, but… 1 week between posts is better than 2 weeks, right? It's progress. Part of the problem is that I started watching The Wire last week (HBO Go will be my kryptonite) and when I marathon things, that's basically all I want to do in my free time until I'm done. Which was less of a problem when I was unemployed and out of school, or even when I was still in school but had more free time (and could multitask with watching stuff while I did homework), but when I only have a few hours every day to watch stuff, it takes weeks to get through a show, and it ends up being hard for me to find time to devote to anything else. Anyways, assorted things I've been meaning to post about:

▪ I officially have tickets to see The Book of Mormon in L.A. in October!!! I've been dying to see this musical since last year, but it's not as if I had any opportunity to visit New York and try to see it. But it's finally coming to L.A., yay!!!

▪ One of my wisdom teeth is coming in and it's freaking me out. I mean, my bottom two are already in, but I had adult teeth pulled there when I was fairly young, so there was room for them to grow in. But there's a tooth-shaped bump on the top right, and like… it doesn't hurt at all, but I'm concerned. I don't do well with medical-related stuff. I'm going in on Saturday to have it checked out, anyways, so I'll probably know more then.

▪ I got Breaking Bad S4 on DVD last week, and I'm slowly making my way through it with my parents (they had seen up to season 3 only). We're not very far, but ahhhh I forgot how much I missed this show!!!!!! The thing is, I was watching the show pretty consistently for the better part of a year? Like, I started watching it for the first time last June, then season 4 started in July, then I started watching the show from the beginning again with my mom in late August, we finished around November and then almost immediately afterwards started it over again to watch with my dad (his first time) and finished around March, so… basically for 9 months I was consistently in the middle of a season. But then we finished what was out on DVD, so for the past few months I've had no Breaking Bad in my life, and I didn't realize how much I missed the show. So excited for season 5 to start in July!!!!

▪ I forgot to mention like a month or two ago, but I did manage to make it through season 1 and 2 of Game of Thrones with my mom! There were definitely some awkward moments, but it wasn't too bad overall. And now she's really into the series, which is fun. She had only read the first book before starting the show, but she started Clash of Kings right before we started watching season 2, and now she's already on ADWD. And she doesn't have any opinions that make me want to rage, which is definitely good. The extent to which she hates Bran chapters is kind of hilarious.

▪ Everyone was making posts about the 100 Things …thing like a month or two ago, and I don't know if people are still doing that, but I'm really, really tempted to do 100 Favorite TV Ladies??? I've been meaning to do some sort of Awesome Ladies picspam for ages and ages but never really got around to it, but I think this might actually work for me. So I'm tentatively planning on that, but… considering how awful I've been about posting recently, I make no promises. I do have a list already, I just need to narrow it down a bit (I'm at like 150 at the moment).

▪ Work has continued to be tiring and stressful. I'm so emotionally drained at this point, it was almost impossible getting through the day yesterday. I go through phases with my job where I'm happy and feel confident and then phases where I feel more negatively towards it. At the moment I'm more in a negative phase due to how stressful and busy I've been recently, but there are some good things going on. Back around January to March we were going through ridiculous amounts of staffing changes and were having trouble finding competent people who would stick around, but we got 2 new girls in April who have been great for the most part and are still around, and we got another new person about a week and a half ago who's super nice and sweet, so that stuff is good. I also mentioned back in like February that we might be moving locations, and that's going to be finally happening sometime in July. And while normally I hate change and this would be something to cause me anxiety and stress, we're going to be moving somewhere much closer to where I live, cutting my commute in half (which isn't too bad as it is, I mean it only takes me around 25 min to get to work depending on traffic, but the new place is like 3 miles from my house and about a 10 minute drive), and, I mean… yeah, it's not a lot, but getting home even 10 min sooner would be really nice, and I'd be able to come home during lunch which is pretty much impossible now. So yeah, I'm cautiously optimistic about this.

That is pretty much all that is going on with me at the moment. Anyways, going to keep working on trying to be active around here more, plus (of course) trying to finish making my way through The Wire.

family, tv: breaking bad, tv: the wire, job, tv: game of thrones

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