
Apr 27, 2009 10:45

Because I've requested off of other people:

The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing from me. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level. If you absolutely can't write, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to offer drawings or icons or something instead.

I don't really care if you give back or not. I just want to get some words down for today. I might even just reply in a comment. XD

1. katmillia - Palom/Porom: Phoenix
2. astrangerenters - Balthier/Ashe: Any Other Way
3. eerian_sadow - Seifer/Irvine: The Files Are In The Computer
4. venefica_aura - Quistis/Yuna
5. churched - Tseng/Elena
6. lassarina - Locke/Celes
7. safety_caesars - Kefka/Celes, which is ALMOST finished, I SWEARRRRRRR
8. torncorpse - Rikku/Gippal
9. shanaqui: Seifer/Quistis: Contact
10. siva630: Squall/Malboro

meme: requests

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