Love Notes (FFVIII, Quistis/Laguna, G)

Feb 16, 2009 17:05

Love Notes
Fandom: FFVIII
Pairing: Quistis/Laguna
Rating: G

Another ff_kissbattle prompt, this time from venefica_aura. Another example of Sev breaking the comment limit. There are no motorcycles in this piece, but it does suffer from a surplus of post-it notes.

Further notes: This is entirely the fault of lunaticdiscord.

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Quistis found the first post-it note on the door to her classroom. It was yellow, slightly crumpled, non-descript - the kind of note Xu used to write Seminar at 1400? or Make sure you give Almasy detention today and leave on her desk after night shift. This particular note, however, wasn’t from Xu. It simply bore a large X, drawn in black ink.

Quistis took it off the door and threw it out, assuming it was someone’s prank gone wrong.


The next day she found three post-its on her locker in the ladies’ changing room: two drawn in blue ball-point and one drawn in something that looked suspiciously like Selphie’s glitter pen.

Selphie said, “No way! I totally lost that pen like a week ago! I was interviewing Sir Laguna, remember! And I wanted to bring it and ask him to sign my binder -- in glitter, how awesome is that -- but I was mega bummed because I couldn’t find it at all. Quisty, we have to catch whoever this is! They have my pen!”

Quistis took the notes down and stuffed them into her bag.


The next day she was a little bit late to class - Squall’s early meeting about Responsible Usage of Office Supplies had gone a little long - and she could tell something was wrong by the chorus of titters and laughter echoing down the hallway.

The door to her classroom was covered in post-its: all with Xs on them, drawn in various colors of ink. One seemed to have been written in staples.

Quistis sent the students in and set the two who had giggled the loudest to cleaning the door off.


There was a post-it sitting on top of her bagged lunch in the Instructor’s Lounge refrigerator. This one had an X, but it had words underneath it. Unfortunately, they’d been smeared by the Jell-O Incident which had taken place earlier that morning (she’d known it was a mistake to tell Zell the Instructors had their own fridge). All she could see was “---ur room, dinner time?”

Quistis stared at the note as she ate, wondering whose handwriting it was. She knew most of the SeeDs (they’d been in her classroom) as well as most of their other friends. Maybe someone was writing left-handed?

Whatever it was, she didn’t get the joke.


She was in the middle of a particularly bad essay when there was a knock at her door. Quistis stuck the pen behind her ear and went to get the door, wondering what in the world Squall wanted this time. When she opened the door and saw not Squall, but his father, she paused a moment in surprise. She knew Laguna had been in BG, but she hadn’t thought he’d stop by, and --

Laguna said, quite quickly, “OhgodIcan’tbelieveI’mdoingthis.”

Quistis was suddenly assaulted by just under six feet of Estharian President. Laguna was probably going for her lips, she realized, but his had just brushed against hers when he broke off with a howl of pain. He’d stabbed himself in the eye with the pen behind her ear. A long trail of ink tracked its way across his cheek; the eye looked swollen.

Five minutes later, Laguna was pressing an ice pack to his face while sitting on her couch.

“I don’t believe I just stabbed the President of Esthar in the face,” Quistis said.

“Yeah,” Laguna said. “About that. Um. I’m sorry.”

Quistis reached up with the washcloth to dab off a bit of remaining ink. “What were you…?”

“Ah.” Laguna looked away. “Um. Did you not get my notes?”

“Your…” She blinked. “Those post-it notes? With the Xs on them? Those were from you?”

Laguna shrugged, very sheepishly. “The Xs were supposed to mean kisses, see,” he said. “You know, like Xs and Os? Hugs and…?” He trailed off.

Quistis set the washcloth down and looked at him. “Laguna, in SeeD, the Xs mean ’Sign here,’ or ‘Squad B’s Current Position.’ How in the world…?”

“It’s a holiday in Esthar,” Laguna said, hopefully. “And since I was here in Balamb…”


Quistis handed the glitter pen to Selphie with a small smirk she couldn’t quite hide.

“Booyaka!” Selphie grabbed it with a grin. “Where did you find it, Quisty? Who had it?” Her eyes grew suddenly round. “Did you find out who was leaving those notes?”

“It’s not a big deal,” Quistis replied with a shrug, turning to head back to her classroom.

“Quisty.” Selphie’s voice rang out through the Quad. “Is that a hickey on your neck?”

Well, Quistis thought, there was more than one way to leave a love note.

quistis, laguna/quistis, fic: snippet(s), laguna, ffviii

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