List of current claims, projects, and unfinished/unwritten stories and plotbunnies.
Long entry ahead. Ridiculous plot discussion. 2008 goals added! Although obviously this is not the entire list of things to write this year! Kill me now.
Comments are totally appreciated. If you are curious about something, or want to poke me about something, feel free! If you and I have talked about fic before and you want to remind me of something I said I'd write -- PLEASE comment. XD
LJ Community Claims
mount_ordeals: Rydia (challenge: 100 themes in order). 35/100 completed. (65 themes remaining = 65 fics/ficlets.)
fated_children: Quistis/Rinoa (challenge: fic arc, +1000 words). 15/100 completed. (85 themes remaining = ~17 fics.)
pyre_flies: Rikku. 25/100 completed. (75 themes remaining = ~15 fics.)
the_sandsea: Fran. 100 themes remaining. (Hopefully I will finish this game in March with
lassarina, and then I will decide whether to keep this claim.)
Ellone, Theme Set VII. (4/10 remaining)
Edea Kramer, Theme Set II (10/10 remaining)
One-shot claim (5/5)
Multichapter claim which totally changes depending on my whims
2008 goals:
- Hit each claim at least once a month, if not more.
- Finish Ellone, Edea claims this year.
- Give FFX priority (my fandoms have stagnated at FFIV and FFVIII).
- Complete one-shot claim for
- - -
Hunter (Kain, Rydia, Edge) with
How Not to Date Blondes (Quistis/Zell, Seifer, Cast) with
The Last Order (Squall/Rinoa, Quistis, Seifer, Selphie, Irvine, asst. cast) with
Shatterglass, with
drakonlily, and
2008 goals:
- Finish HNtDB!
- Finish TLO, or at least get a new chapter out at least once a month.
- Get about halfway through our massive outline of doom on Hunter.
- - -
Ideas, WIPs, Prompts, and Plotbunnies
This contains prompts from the AU meme, current works-in-progress, specific ideas I've had for claims as well as for random, and things I'd like to write but haven't really shaped.
Obviously I won't be writing all of it, but it has been included here for, uh, discussion. XD
- Prism or Broken Prism [In-game] [Cecil/Rosa, Kain] Begins when Cecil and Rosa are reunited in the Tower of Zot and follows from there. While they were separated, Kain turned traitor, Rosa was tortured, and Cecil became a Paladin; that's a lot of change to deal with when also trying to save the planet. They barely know each other anymore. The story of a strong relationship's weakest moments, all three ways. (multichapter)
- [Rydia, Edge, Kain] The basic premise is that Rydia feels "trapped" with Cecil, Rosa, and Kain, and all of their politics and rules and deals of honor; Kain is trying to honor her as his significant other, but he always chooses the realm over her and also subliminally expects her to observe propriety in Baron. Whereas Edge is the sort of non-traditional, "fuck you, custom and authority!" ruler who wouldn't expect Rydia to always dress nice and mind her language and not insult people, which in the end might be what Rydia needs. It will be an interesting exploration into characterization, really. (one-shot or short multichapter, possibly for mount_ordeals claim and/or ff_epicfic)
- [Rydia, Asura, Leviathan] Discussion of the Land of Summons and its ties to the rest of the world. Prequel to Mouths of Monsters, for mount_ordeals claim too.
- [Rydia-centric] dealing with the loss of Mist, the loss of Summoners, and the expectation on her shoulders that she will have children and raise them to be Callers as well (for claim)
- [Rydia, Rosa] Rydia re-learns White Magic from Rosa (for claim)
- [AU: evil Rosa] Many possible permutations on this; mainly, Rosa is converted to Golbez's side in the Tower of Zot and joins Kain in fighting Cecil.
- [AU: HS AU, eerian_sadow's prompt] Discussion around the lunch table and cock jokes! HEE.
- [AU: corporate, Rina's prompt] "Complete with HR b.s. and ridiculous office romances!" In my head it's really funny; I just have to write it.
- Inertia and Echoes [Terra, Celes/Locke] Terra bore a child in Mobliz after the Floating Continent, unable to remember how she came to be pregnant. Post-game, her daughter has become deathly ill; she and Celes (who is secretly trying to have a child of her own) have to delve into the ruins of the Empire to find their answers. Deals with Magitek genetic engineering, Kefka's use/abuse of the Slave Crown, and Espers.
- Warming Up [WIP] Possible permutations: (dark) Yuffie/Vincent, Tifa/Rude, Yuffie/Cloud, Tifa/Barret.
- The Aurora Project [WIP] [rewrite] Hojo's lost project becomes a thin hope for a world ravaged by Meteor and mako. Story needs a full re-writing to be any good.
- [AU: pirates and ninja's Fly's prompt] [Barret, Cloud] but which one is the pirate?
- Shine Like Gold [WIP] [Quistis] Maybe I should just admit I am abandoning this.
- blueblack [Sequel] [WIP] [NC-17] [Quistis/Rinoa, for fated_children claim] Quistis, trying to be helpful, is drawn into the dark repercussions of a Sorceress-Knight bond gone bad. Basically an excuse to write permutations of Squall/Rinoa/Seifer/Quistis OT4.
- Captains [AU: Pirates, Nikki's prompt] [WIP] [Seifer, Quistis, Cast] Seifer and Quistis captain GF-driven pirate ships and plan heists and hijinks against Garden and the Dread Pirate Leonhart. (Part I of III complete)
- Gunpowder [WIP-ish] [Seifer/Irvine] Post-game 'verse in which Seifer and Irvine hunt GF poachers, rogue GFs, possibly have lots of sex. (Collection of oneshots?)
- Musicverse (1) [AU: rock stars, Nay's prompt] [Seifer, Irvine, Zell] AU in which Irvine is a country singer, Zell is his ugly-suit-wearing manager, and Seifer is hired as his bodyguard after the last one tries to molest Irvine during a show. (Brief multichapter / collection of one-shots)
- Musicverse (2) [AU: rock stars, Girlshy's prompt] [Rinoa, Selphie, Quistis] AU starring Selphie and Rinoa as a girl band, Quistis as their somewhat hassled manager, Squall as a possible disgruntled bodyguard. Same universe as (1), but different story.
- Nostalgia [Post-game] [Ellone, Laguna, Squall] Ellone tries to rebuild her family. Squall's having none of it. (for claim)
- Avalon's Daughters also called Crackverse [Sequel/Prequel] [Ellone, Cast] "It wasn't coincidence - no, not any of it." Explains Ellone's ties to Ultimecia and the rest of the cast, and how Edea knew so much about Ultimecia and the future. It's not coincidence. Watch as I fill of all of FF8's plotholes with finely-powdered crack. (Epic multichapter)
- Shore Boys [Seifer, Zell, Edea] Mothers and sons. Eventual Seifer/Zell.
- [Quistis/Laguna] Quistis is sent to Esthar to investigate the remains of what could possibly become a fourth Garden. She and Laguna learn to work together, face ancient danger, and snog. (probably multichapter)
- [Seifer/Selphie] Just a vague idea of the two of them going on missions and blowing things up. Possibly the het version of Gunpowder. (one-shots or collection thereof)
- [AU: Quistis as a sexy assassin, Nay's other prompt] mostly because I cannot turn down Quistis as a sexy anything, especially in leather. Side note: could actually fit into FF8-verse with minor tweaking.
- [AU: Irvine/Zell dish-towel erotical, in space; siva630's prompt] Irvine/Zell in space totally got me. Now to figure out what dish-towel erotica is.
- [AU: girls boarding school, girlshy's prompt] [Quistis/Rinoa, Quistis/Selphie] Um, yeah, this has tons of potential in FF8-verse.
- Bridges [between X, X-2] [Rikku, Yuna, Lulu] Follows the three girls and the changes we see between X and X-2. Yuna embraces her inner Al Bhed, Lulu learns to live without magic or Sin, and Rikku agonizes about secrets and a certain sphere. Had the idea before seeing "Another Story", and I still want to write it, hopefully around "Another Story" rather than right through it.
- [Rikku, Gippal] "So... have you ever thought of building a new Home?"
- [Auron, Braska, Jecht] very vague idea of writing their pilgrimage.
- [Rikku-centric] Invention of the Dress-spheres in X-2 (for claim)
- [AU] [Yuna, Tidus-centric] Seymour lays magic on Yuna after their wedding and takes her hostage right after the party defeats Yunalesca. Dream-world Yuna finds Asura and Leviathan, the Lost Aeons (Asura is Anima's light twin). Yuna fights her way out, and she and Tidus perform the final Final Summoning (they can defeat Sin for good because Tidus isn't real). Their spirits then become the fayth for Asura and Leviathan, respectively. General idea needs some shaping, but I still think it would be neat to write.
- [Yuna-centric] Massive ideas from discussions with Cendri about Spira, homosexuality, and what Yuna really wants need to take shape into something.
- From the Mouths of Monsters [WIP] [FFIV/FFVIII] [Rydia, Quistis, Cast] Quistis learns more about the nature of magic, Blue Magic in particular, as she and Rydia search for the remains of the Land of Summons.
- and you washed up on the shore [AU, Cendri's prompt] [Cloud, Elena, Seifer, Quistis] Cloud and Elena fall into the Lifestream (separately). Elena washes up near BG, and Quistis takes care of her. Cloud is found by Seifer; together, they make trouble.
- [AU: Squall and Cloud as Mario and Luigi, Katy's prompt] Yes, you read that right. It is awesome.
Harry Potter
- OK, shut up. What I'd really, really like to write is a connected series of scenes and vignettes post-DH forming the story of what happened between DH and the Epilogue. Watching Harry/Ron/Hermione coming out of their PTSD and into their adult lives, watching Harry and Ginny repair their relationship, watching the wizarding world change, etc. It would have a vague plot to shape it but what I'm really interested in are the characters. Too bad HP fandom scares me.
I am sure I will be editing this over the next few days as I remember things. Again -- this is not a laundry list of what I plan to write! I am not that insane.