Title: Yours Truly
mount_ordeals, FFIV
Theme + Number: (16) You and Me
Claim: Rydia (character; challenge)
Rating: K+
Warnings: n/a
"Just us?" Rydia asks, strangely perturbed.
"Yeah," Edge says with a grin that she thinks should mean something but doesn't understand. "Just you and me."
"Fine," she says, tentatively, because Edge is a tricky ninja who likes practical jokes. "What's the big deal?"
“What’s the big deal?” He sounds insulted, which is another one of his tricks.
She narrows an eye. “What’s the big deal about a walk through the forest?”
“A walk through the forest,” Edge replies, the grin turning goofy and his voice going all sing-song, “just you and me, and the sunlight, and the flowers…”
“You’re a nutjob,” she says, using a new word Palom taught her and watching with glee as Edge’s face struggles to not look surprised.
“It’s a romantic walk with yours truly!” Edge calls after her as she turns; “Me and only me! And you, of course.”
“And your ego,” she shoots over her shoulder, but grins: “Are you coming, or should I invite Rosa after all?”