the good ship jackson

Apr 07, 2007 18:44

the good ship jackson, originally uploaded by broken press.
Long time no share. This week was a bit odd, it seemed very long. Friday was supposed to be my last day at work, but I agreed to stay on three more weeks. It’s tough to have that short timers syndrome and then not make the grand escape. That sounds worse than it is, I have been working my butt off, people are appreciating me and staying on longer will help us financially. It’s just that I was looking forward to actually having some bookmaking time. Today I found a few minutes to make a library catalog card collage. Nothing very involved.

Jackson has a good case of the sniffles, the type where Clay and I have to run with a tissue every time we hear a sneeze. Poor Doobs. He has been really good though, just all stuffed up, playing with play dough and legos.

My detox is going well, sans a little swig of the vino occasionally. Other than that I have been really, really good. I have made some mistakes. Like getting hooked on a Roastarama tea, only to realize it has barley in it, which I am supposed to stay away from (no worries Melissa, I will definitely be drinking it after the detox, I love it).

This is a very “my life” sort of entry, hope I am not boring you all! To jazz it up, I provided some visuals that are a little glimpse of Jackson’s Easter present. Clay drew the ship for Xerox transfer I did on a baby book we made some friends. We recycled the drawing adding Jackson’s name to it. I then made it into an iron-on and put it on a lovely brown t-shirt. I have put a lot of work into his basket this year. I hollowed out and dyed a bunch of eggs and hid little gifts in them that he will have to break in order to find the goodies. I know it’s not a very vegan activity, but I am still on the fence on that decision. I am reading a lot about it right now.
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