Dec 02, 2004 15:52
hey everybody. miss me? figured so. i've been fine.. i stayed home sick monday & tuesday (kindof yay, kindof boo) missed a bunch of shit but finally made it all up.. today was a particularly okay day. i have some stories to tell..
today during science me and melyssa declared one of our infamous pen wars. it's when you each have a clicky pen, & you jump it over your books, and you keep going & adding books until one person's pen "cant make it over" the books. and we stretched out the springs extreme & they were going SO high, & it was so funny & then melyssa was like "if i take this out it's gonna go flying" & i go "how do you know" & she goes "watch" & so we put it down behind our table so that if it went flying, it would fly right into the table & so she started untwirling it reeeaally slowly until finally, it went FLYING against the desk & it made this HUGE, like, popping noise & it bounced off &.. oooh it was great! & the wonderful pen war continued into eighth period french, where we resumed. we were doing the regular pen wars & my pen got stuck, so I proceeded to take it apart, & the tip was stuck so i turned it over & pressed onto the desk & the pen & the spring went SHOOTING OUT & they hit the ceiling then came back down &.. gosh, it was so fast I didn't even see it & me & melyssa were crying with laughter..we couldn't stop laughing. mrs ruel was like "what the heck?" & i explained it to her & she said "its ok as long as no one got hurt".. everyone was laughing & me & melyssa talked about it the whole period. Oh how wonderful.
if meredith calls me an octopus, or moo one more time, i don't know what i'll do. oh how great reading was today. <3 we were talking about character traits & we needed books, i already had one but jack had taken my seat (it's not connected & i love it) & so he got up & i took it, & everybody was talking, even after we were warned we'd get a seating chart & so Mrs. Boyle assigned us seats, & we were louder, even with three desks inbetween all of us. & we were talking about things & will told us about how he read a book in which he couldn't tell if hitler was good or bad, & ian goes "like clinton" & will goes "no, clinton just got caught with his fly down".. hahahaha. it was so funny, i guess you had to be there but mrs. boyle had the most SHOCKED look on her face, then just started laughing.. & we were all blurting out so she made a "list of blurters" <--which alex pointed out isn't a word --> & it had me, meredith, linnell, will (with stars), ian, & alex. it was so funny.. especially since once your on the list, your free to blurt, because she can't put you on the list again. but she was just making jokes, its not like the list meant anything. oh wow, it was so funny. we were just talking across the room.. i guess you hadda be there.
i'm still trying to "figure myself out" & i know one thing. i hate labels, & i hate having to live up to something or someone to be "cool" or whatever. if im not, i dont care.. i just have to stop caring what people think. what do they matter? they're not me. & now that i have health, i've figured some stuff out to. i have a sucky relationship with my parents..they never encourage me at anything, & i always have to be like them.. i can't do what i want, eat what i want, i can't even dress how i want. if i'm wearing a simple tee, my mom will make me change into a collared shirt. she doesn't get it. sometimes i hate her & im not exaggerating. other times, she's the greatest. but sometimes I want to shoot her. i don't know. i hate having to be something else for someone else who i don't even care about. & i also realized i just have to break away. & maybe i have to find someone to tell stuff to, because i don't really have anyone.. this is the only thing i can use to get my "emotions" out, but it's like i'm physco & need a shrink or anything (no offence to people with shrinks. hopefully none taken) but.. a friend, at least? Idk, I guess i'm just very "down" lately, or "very emo."
I had another story, but I forgot it after this effing thing deleted it all on me.. i hate computers sometimes. although i really don't haha.
baby let's cruise,
away from here.
don't be confused,
the way is clear.
and if you want it
you've got it
this is not a one night stand
so let the music
take your mind
just release
and you will find
you're gonna fly away
glad you're going my way
i love it when
we're cruising together.
music is played for love
cruising was made for love
i love it when we're
cruising together.
baby let's cruise
let's go,
let's slide.
do what
you must.
and inch by inch
we get closer & closer
i could just stay here
beside you
& love you baby.
let the music
take your mind
just release and
you will find.
you're going to fly away
glad you're going my way.. <3
well i guess i'm going to go. <3 goodbye loves.
you were the last good thing about this part of town*