Sep 13, 2005 18:52
Ive seen the purest,
fall to their knees,
fragile and giving, caving away just like the stitching in my chest.
and when the most colorful soon turned to grey,
i pleaded for redemption....
ive grown so tired of my empty being....
how can i fly with broken wings?
how can i heal with a poisoned soul....
something so divine, seen for the first time,
as nothing but fake... and pitty....
who says emptiness is not an emotion,
who says its easy to smile...
they haven't had it all, held so tightly in their grasp..
hands pried open by selfishness....
what once was love..
now crashed from grace...
time tries to make the swallow fast,
the black
the moon now missing,
the grass just green....
even beauty lost its lure.