and I'm spent.

Dec 30, 2003 12:35

Wow, I woke up before noon. This is an amazing breakthrough for me. Too bad I'm damn tired now. *mmmmuuuuummmmbbbbbllllleeeee*

It's apparent to me that I am super boring on vacation. I spent last night wallowing in the shower for about an hour (man... wasting water. oops...) and then laying on my bed listening to "Holocaust" on repeat for like an hour and a half, and then folding laundry, but failing to put it away in my bureau. <--(dollar word, if it's spelled right!) And then having Livejournal conversations with Ashes, while simultaneously talking to her on MSN, which actually wasn't boring in the least.

But I spent my morning waking up at 9:00 and then realizing my brother wasn't awake so I couldn't get on MSN as early as I'd hoped... and then watching him play Starfox on his Gamecube once he woke up. Starfox is a cool game...

But now he and my mom are out to lunch and I, sadly, was not invited. So I'm sitting here waiting until someone will sign into msn or aim. please, somebody... come talk to me!! ^^
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