so bored right now.....
so we're finally moved out of the old house.....paul the dumbfuck that he is...he tried to lock the house so my mom couldnt get in...the retard left a key to the house on the golfcart key thingy...dumbass...and he also called the cops on my mom...for the second time....yay for sarah being bad and breaking the golf cart =oD...yea try to get to the boat now fucker....
my moms making me to go my grandmas house today..the one that i strongly
yay for getting my drunk call from bess....she makes me giggle...and erika doing a fake drunk call and scaring me shitless....
danyel~ sorry prom wasnt fun...i shoulda gone with mi i could've made you less miserable...
you didnt think i actually did work when we were moving!