Apr 11, 2005 20:04
NotreDameL2: tell me the story of like how your dad died and stuff and i know its really sad for you to think about and im sorry to bring it up
x RaH x 0o8: umm well the summer b4 my 1st grade my dad was diegnosed (sp?)
NotreDameL2: right
NotreDameL2: with cancer?
x RaH x 0o8: yea
x RaH x 0o8: colon
NotreDameL2: ahh
x RaH x 0o8: and thru that year he was going in and out of the hospitcal
x RaH x 0o8: hospital*
NotreDameL2: yeah
x RaH x 0o8: and like he was going through chemo and radiation
x RaH x 0o8: and he was having surguries alot too...
NotreDameL2: thats tough to deal as a first grader
x RaH x 0o8: yup....and then at the end of 1st grade my mom and dad took me and jessi to disney world cuz they knew it would be our last trip as a family
NotreDameL2: sarah that breaks my heart
x RaH x 0o8: and then the summer after 1st grade he jus kinda slowly got worst
x RaH x 0o8: like the nite he died i had just gotten home from terre haute
x RaH x 0o8: and he couldnt even eat
x RaH x 0o8: he had a tube
NotreDameL2: thats tough to deal with
NotreDameL2: wow
NotreDameL2: im glad i know that
x RaH x 0o8: and just yea one nite it was i love you daddy good nite...
x RaH x 0o8: and then the next morning he was gone
x RaH x 0o8: my sister wasnt even home when he died my mom had to pick her up from camp the next day....he died the day b4 my moms bday....
NotreDameL2: and you made me cry
x RaH x 0o8: haha
x RaH x 0o8: im crying too
x RaH x 0o8: dont worry
NotreDameL2: aha
NotreDameL2: happy to cry with you
x RaH x 0o8: wow
x RaH x 0o8: i hadnt told that story in a longg time....
NotreDameL2: im glad you did
NotreDameL2: that tough shit sarah, your a strong person to get through that