jog from 9-10, get fraps at nobles, talk about current events in our lives, then get some chinese for lunch. later we would go to the mall to look at things we cant afford. as we were doing so we would discuss things we dont like about or selves. next we would go to blockbuster and use my gift card to rent and old movie, something with betty davis perhaps, or maybe even marylin. we would pick up some krispy kremes on the way to your house (half a dozzen mind u, watching the carbs). THEN we would watch the movie while chatting with some lozers online. at around 8 we would put one some postal service or strokes and dance to our little hearts content, i will probobly try to show you some yoga poses but you will laugh at your lack of felxibilty and we will be forced to stop due to our laughter. at 8:45 you will begg your mom to take us to chick-fil-a and at 9:06 she will give in. after we finish out dinner, we will complain of how fat we feel but how good it was getting there, ha. then we will be jammin to some mae as we cruse to my house to drop me off. 10 minutes after that you will IM me as i get online to callyou because you have some "big news" to tell me about so n so. we will chat until 1:23 am after talking about dress code, boys/girls we hate/love, that new movie with britney and collin that we must see together, and cereal!(HAHA rememeber?). before we hang up you will tell me to call you at 11 to wake you up, so we can do it all over again.
Re: we would...claminsertionJuly 2 2004, 04:12:24 UTC
Here's my idea:(In no particular order) Steal some cookies from HEB's, then find a warm golden meadow. We'd lie in the weeds and stare at the clouds,eating cookies. We'd go downtown, climb on top of really tall buildings, and throw waterballoons. We'd sneak into a movie, and instead of attempting to enjoy the film, we'd make loud obnoxious noises and throw some more stuff. Then we could go to Barnes and Noble, and use my Employee Discount to get some Iced Soy Chai's. Then we might take one of those self scoring IQ tests, just for kicks. I would'nt steal anything. Cole park at three am, rolling down the hills, then swinging, and seeing who could jump the farthest...and ill stop here. Buy bye...-erik
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