I'm not dead

Aug 08, 2008 17:12

Alright, it's been a LONG LONG time since I've had an actual update. lol. I barely know what to say. Um....let's start with movies. Be forewarned, there will probably be spoilers ahead. I could cute...but I won't. Cause I'm a) at work and am trying to type this fast, b) lazy, and c)...No Screw you guys. It's my journal, bitches. lol. Kidding. Kidding. Let's just stick with A and B shall we?

Iron Man
I didn't originally want to see this movie because...after Spiderman 3, I'm not real hot on superhero movies, but this one was...amazing. RDJ was beyond perfect for Tony Stark and, as
pinkbutterflies well knows, I now I have little bit of a crush on him. Damn Iron Man. The ending friggin killed me though. I mean, it was fantastic, but "I am Iron Man" and that's it? Dammit, I want to know what happens. And it'll be forever before the next one.

X-Files: I Want to Believe
The X-Files was my first real fandom, starting from about...I was either 8 or 9, and the first convention I ever went to (at age 11) was in Chicago for X-Files so, to say I was looking forward to this movie is a bit of an understatement. Maybe my hopes were just too high, but I wasn't that impressed. I get why, after all these years, they needed to do a stand-alone story to appeal to non-XFiles fans too, but that plot was kind of ridiculous, even for this show. That being said, the cast did the best with what they were given. Billy especially. Though I wish they'd had a few more cameos other than just Skinner. Where the hell were the Gunmen, dammit? (SHUT UP! THEY'RE NOT DEAD!)

Mamma Mia
It was...cute. Not as good as Hairspray, imo, but still good. I didn't have a lot of expectations for it though, other than to be entertained, so I can't say it failed. Pierce Brosnan, Stellan Skarsgaard, and Colin Firth should probably just never sing again. I was actually really impressed with Amanda Seyfried. I had no idea she started out in musical theater, so it was kind of surprising to hear just how good she was. And Dominic Cooper was amazing as always. Lay All Your Love On me was probably my favorite moment in the movie. lol

The Dark Knight
The Friday it came out, mom told me she wanted to see a movie, so my friend Emily and I were trying to decide between this, and Mamma Mia. Thank GOD we chose this one. It was...I don't even know how to describe it, honestly. And if you haven't seen it, GO NOW! From start to finish, it was perfect. I know a lot of people have complained it was too long, but I've seen it now 4 times and never once had a problem with it. I really don't know what they could have cut. Someone mentioned the scene in Hong Kong, but if you think about it, they needed it. We'd already seen Lau going back to Hong Kong, but by the end of the movie he has to be back in America. You just know if they hadn't shown Batman go get him, people would have been like "WTF?! He's back?!"

Yes, ok, this is (imo) Heath Ledger's best role ever and he stole the show really, but can we all please try to remember there are other people besides him in the movie. It kills me that in every interview the cast does, all they ever get asked about is Heath. Yes, it's heartbreaking that he died, but it's not their faults.

Now that I've said that, will I be crucified if I said he wasn't my favorite? I think Morgan Freeman was vastly underused, but I guess his character wasn't as crucial to the story this time around. I still think Michael Caine as Alfred is amazing and gets some of the best lines. Maggie Gyllenhaal was a big improvement over Katie Holmes, but I hate that Rachel was nothing more than a damsel in distress. In Batman Begins they made her out to be so tough. What happened? And Aaron Eckhart is insanely perfect as Harvey Dent. Watching him fall from Gotham's "White Knight" to Two-Face was...incredible. He really is an amazing actor. If I loved watching Harvey fall, what I love most about the Joker is...he's got nowhere to fall. I love that they don't show his backstory at all. He just shows up one day and BOOM!

My three favorite lines?

1) "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent
2) "Some men aren't looking for anything logical. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn." - Alfred [re: The Joker]
3) "He's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not our hero, he's a silent guardian, a watchful protector...a dark knight." - Gordon

And did anybody else cry when Gordon "died"? lol

Alright, I think that's enough of movies. Ummm...Breaking Dawn. Yes, I know everything (including how it ends, and who died) but I have not finished it yet. It's...alright so far. Not my favorite, but I've read much worse. The reason I haven't finished it yet though? I've been distracted. I saw a trailer for Jeffrey Dean Morgan's new movie, and I had to read it. I wish I could say it was a novel or something but no. It's a comic book oops. Don't want to get killed. It's a graphic novel called Watchmen and so far? Kind of amazing, actually. I love that...they're really not heroes. I mean, JDM (Best known for Grey's Anatomy's Denny, and Supernatural's John Winchester)'s character The Comedian/Edward Blake? He's a murderer/attempted rapist who enjoys inflicting pain on...anybody, really. They're complete and total anti-heroes, and they're amazing. The movie actually looks really good too. Can't wait to see it. JDM, Jackie Earle Haley, and Carla Gugino were perfectly cast, I think. If you haven't seen the trailer yet, check it out.

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And last but not least, my newest obsession. No, I still have not seen a single episode of the newest season of Doctor Who, but that's because another Brit show has caught my eye. Robin Hood For those who haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It's...cheesy at times, but a lot of fun. And the hot guys! Oh the hot guys! Richard Armitage, Jonas Armstrong, and Joe Armstrong (as Sir Guy of Gisborne, Robin Hood, and Allan A Dale) are all GORGEOUS. lol Here you have a Marian/Guy video I'm...completely in love with.

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Alright, I already said I'm at work, and the guy should be coming to give me my break any minute. I'll try to update more often but...honestly? I've said that before.

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