just another manic monday....

Apr 08, 2005 10:07

Oh wait.... no it's not.... it's friday!!! MWAHAHAHAHA.... Time to endulge in some debotchery.... wait.... how does that make tonight different from any other night?

I am definitely the wicked child....

In other news....

The website is comming along "famously". Somehow reading "Sideways" has made me a fanatic for Pinot Noir. Shirraz, sorry old girl... I gotta cork and shelf you for a while....

Sammy's comming back this weekend! I plan on getting muy muy trashed with the girl.... She called me when she got in to port last weekend. I thought that was sweet. I guess she doesn't hate me after all!

I simply have to get through the next few hours and the weekend is mine!

Oh, and my dart game improves! It is funny how my aim is though...


I mean... come on... computer screen? At the very least I'd expect a tripple 3! Well, at any rate, I'm not all THAT BAD. My direct competition is starting to read books on the subject though... so I'd better man up.

Speaking of competition Greg (neighbor Greg) just got window treatments... They're about on par with us in developing their apartment as a living space. What? They have curtains! We must get curtains! It's like the space race all over again, except in this case it's about furnishing a town house instead of going to the moon. Okay, that's only funny to me... but still...

Oh, and I finally got my K-Bar back... now I can slash and stab insurgents in Iraq instead of just shooting them. It adds a nice variety to the mix!

Oh, and if I hadn't posted it recently... saw Sin City... awesome! It was a cool experience mainly because I saw it at the Cinnerama Dome. Jason's first time... The last time Brian was at "The Dome"? To see...

Robocop 2
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