Long time no see journal!

Mar 23, 2005 11:33

Hey journal! What's up? Been pimping all the hoes? Of course you have! You're my journal! My special little journal....

Last weekend was a 3 day training exercise. We did nothing but urban combat training in Combat Town, Camp Pendelton. Of course it rained the WHOLE time. "
"If it ain't rainin' we ain't trainin'," goes the expression. It was some good training overall. After 20 hour days 3 days straight, I got home and was rounding corners like I had a rifle in my hand. Weird.

On saturday morning we were training on how to enter a room via a window. One of the methods is to have two Marines hold up a long object and lift the other Marine in after he's had a running start. One of the Marines was getting tired from holding the bar, so I jumped in to help. It was raining and the bar was all wet. One of the Marines who ran up to the bar slipped and SMACK! His size 12 boot kicked me square in the face. I got it right in the nose. Stunned the hell out of me. I had to laugh at the whole situation. Next drill will be 4 days, crazy huh?

We also got to do some tactical entering of rooms, and did some mock urban combat scenareos. In one of them my squad was the quick reaction team to save another squad that got pinned down. We went in and cleared the bottom floor, no problem. I went up stairs all tactical with another marine to clear the up stairs. We sprayed the room with blanks, and killed everyone in the room. My battery gunney was sitting on a window sill. We were told Marines in soft covers (no helmet) were just observers in the exercise. I decided I wasn't going to shoot him just cause I figured I'd piss him off. He threw a piece of brass at me and asked:

Gunny Diaz: Who's that?
Me: Lance Corporal Albert Gunney!
Gunny Diaz: *Throws a piece of brass at my cheast and hits me* Lay down, you just got shot and wounded.

I supposedly got shot in the gut and I had to be carried down stairs by my fellow Marines. It turned out the squad leader and our radio man also got killed. Our radio man, of course, is the fattest motherfucker in the unit. We had to lift him up and out of the battlefield. Took six guys! I was miraculously resurected by God Gunny Diaz to help lift his fat ass.

Sunday was the most fun. There was this Army Reserve unit training just over the hill from us. Their company commander talked to ours and asked if they could use the combat town for some light urban combat training, and if we'd assist. Our commander agreed. After training 3 days straight on this stuff we were starting to learn the ropes. The Army was grouped all close together, and got all bunched up between some buildings. We popped out of the windows and roof tops we were concealing ourselves behind and just lit those fuckers up w/ blanks. They didn't even see us comming!

Did my taxes last night. Planning on a fun weekend. I'll have to keep this MOFO updated more often.
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