Because I have none of that shit left to say. I don't even know the person who had shit to say.
So, I guess here's the low down: Anticipating becoming a Seattlite, hopefully being matriculated into University of Washington to study Psychology (and hopefully minor in philosophy [I want to be a counselor]). Anxious to grow up, to get out, to live life, to be me, to find me, to grow up. It's due time I started making my own decisions without wondering how my parents will react or how much they'll care or whether or not I should consult them.
But I think I've done well in progressing towards that person I want to be:
I bike, I run, I buy organic foods, I have a phone bill, I have my niche of friends, I've collected a range of music, I run IRC 24/7, I write songs, I like sudoku and bread, and I'm learning new things every day (as cliche as that, and all of this, is).
So that's all there is, really. This is just an informal announcement that I'm now
rasldf if you didn't know already.