Gawd it's been forever.
I forgot about this thing for a loooooong time. Holy crap.
Things are..better. Much better.
Feb~Adam and I got back together..the 3rd. we ended up goin to scotts for the superbowl party thing, buncha snow days, him and I spent the night there twice. Very interesting. He's the first guy to ever surpise me with his actions. Example: How many guys could be in bed with their drunk girlfriend, about to have sex, and stop and be like "We should wait, it's too soon"?? I don't think many could. I think that's part of the reason why I like this relationship so much, it's not sex right off the bat. There's so much more to it. Also, another thing I learned, that I love, is I can fall asleep in his arms. I've never been able to do that. I tried it with Pete, and I couldn't. When pete spent a weekend here, him & I slept on seperate sides of the bed. I would kill Adam if he slept on the other side of the bed. uh..what else has happend?
March..We got caught skipping, he was grounded for a week, but his mom still loves me. I got caught skipping again one day, but his mom doesn't know that and my rents got over it. I didn't get to go to City Club for Amy's birthday, and I feel bad about that.
I didn't get anything for Easter from my rents, but Adam bought me an Easter Lily... It was cute.. I Guess when we were at the store I pointed out that I thought Easter Lilies are beautiful so he bought me one lol :D..... I found out yesterday my Easter gift comes in July hehe. Harry Potter book =D..... For our two month Adam bought me Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I FUCKING LOVE THAT BOOK! I gave him the Fall Out Boy CD,, *Shitty trade cuz I made the FOB CD on my comp.* We gave him & his family a copy of Happy Feet for Easter.
I've been spending alot of time with Amy & Kasey. I like weekends when Amy doesn't have to work cuz we go to the cemetary and last time we got up the nerve to get out of the car and walk around.... hehe. We're such weirdos. But it's fun. We enjoy ourselves. I like spending time with them.... It's fun. =) heh.. uhm..what else.... We try to hang out with Jeremy (J-Weewy) more often, we saw him a few days ago, I just wish it was on better circumstances. eh.. I hope things are better...... I got to meet Jeff Hardy.. which was Amazing. I love Racael for bringing Adam & me with her.... She found out I get car sick (I had to lay down the whole way there and back lol).... uhh...... I haven't really been sad in a long time, well, cept the one day, Stephanie Besko called Adam's cell phone and it scared me, I thought she was gonna start her shit again.
Adam asked me to prom (lol like it was assumed? but it was cute none the less) I got my dress yesterday.. It's pretty cute.
This is the dress I bough
I almost got this one...
But it woud've been this color
Dad got me a cell phone as part of my graduation gift (hehe)
but in 2 weeks we can go back and get different phones, and such.. so yeah..
Dad also wants to get me a car for graduation.. He wants to get me a jeep compass
I think it's cute hehe.....
hehe sooo pretty :)
Kay I'm done :D