(no subject)

Aug 08, 2007 10:26

I had this big moody rant about how much I hate myself prepared to type right here, but after looking at my schedule of which I work all of my days off...and then having someone from engineering talk to me FOREVER and finally left..I figured how not worth it any of this is.

To make this day greater, it's hot as hell, the alarm behind me is going off constantly because of the construction going on around here...and I'm just ready to give up.

Sigh, it'll be okay Ryan. Two more weeks until my vacation, and I just get to be isolated in a nicer place. I get to have just -so- much don't I, no wonder I'm alone.

Just not having a good day. I'm so ashamed of my writing, if I tried I couldn't get anything out what I was really thinking. Story of my life.

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