(no subject)

May 28, 2004 09:47

I just had the most peculiar dream. I've had it before, once, I remember... but that memory sits on the edges of my mind, teetering over, like a ship on the edge of the world.


The dream started out in a different way... I was at school, and I was... knitting. First of all, I've got no idea how to knit. Second of all, I wasn't knitting with knitting needles. I was using these thick-ass pens that were about four inches long. Eventually, everyone left, except me, because my mom hadn't come to pick me up yet. So.. I walked down to where the South Annex should have been, and I was standing in front of my old Elementary school, Idlewild. This is where the dream turned into the old dream. In the dream, the teachers were very angry because the city wanted to build this huge bridge that would cross Memphis, but it would end anchored on Idlewild. The teachers were all in a fluff, because Idlewild is an old school, and apparently the bridge anchored to the building would pull the north tower over at a slant, making it dangerous to hold classes there. So they were having this whole argument over it on the school's front lawn, when my father pulled up. I went and got into the truck and he smiled at me. I was like, "What?". And he said "We're off to phones, then Molly's, and if I have any money left over I'll buy you a pair of diamond earrings."
"Yeah.. I thought I'd get you one, maybe with one of those fancy view screens."
I was taken aback, but I thought "Okay.. this is weird. But I'll go along with it."
So we drove.. and it looked like we were driving down Peabody... but the street was narrow. The houses were the same, though. And it was dark -- the sky was this deep purplish color. It was raining, too. We started passing these houses that were burning. We passed about two block's worth of burning houses, and then we stopped in front of one that wasn't burning. It was a large mansion, white, with big columns in the front. I got out and ran into the house, excited, ignoring the fact that the house right next door was on fire. Then skip a little bit, when I don't remember what happened, and my friend Sophie was there. I've known Sophie since I was four and she was three -- close friendship. Anyway, we were running, because the room behind us was on fire. We ran to the top floor and into the first room, and I looked out the window... and my father had turned into Danny Elfman. (Note- Danny Elfman was the composer to The Nightmare Before Christmas, the lead singer of "The Mystical Knights of the Oingo Boingo", and I think he's one of the Holy Trinidad.) Elfman was standing there on the front lawn looking enraged, and he had long, long red hair. I've never seen a picture of him with long hair, but he probably had it. Sophie and I ran to the next room, and Elfman looked up and threw something at the window. It broke the glass and I saw that it was... something burning. *shrug* I don't know what it was, but it made the curtains catch on fire. We ran to the next and last room, and shut the door. There was a window in this room, but we crouched on the floor. There was this little black plastic thing... it had different-colored plastic strips in it, and when you pushed one it would play a song. I couldn't discern what the songs were saying. Anyway, I stood up and looked out the window, and Elfman saw me, and had this look of shock on his face, like he couldn't believe who was in the house. Then he looked really angry, and rushed at the house, presumably to come inside and come get me. I freaked out, and sat with my back against the door. The room Sophie and I were in was basically unfurnished, and very, very small. I could lay across the floor and have my feet touch the wall and my head touch the door. So... about 5'x5'. There was a small closet in the corner, and I told Sophie to pull stuff out of it for me to brace myself against, if he came to the door and tried to open it. So she opened the door and there were these boxes, and the boxes stick out in my mind because I'd seen them before, but not in the dream, because this part of the dream was different than before. Before, there was this room but no closet. Anyway, she pulled the boxes out and stacked them against the wall, setting them next to each other until I could push my feet up against them to brace my weight against the door. The boxes were wood, upholstered with.. silk, I think, or satin. And there were beads sewn all over them. So Sophie stands up and looks out of the window, and goes "Oh no!" Then the glass breaks and another firestarter sails through, hits the boxes, and they catch. The room fills with fire, and that's when I woke up, with the song "Run Away" by Oingo Boingo stuck in my head.

Very strange. I have a history of having fire dreams. I'm not afraid of fire itself, but I have a fear of my house burning down. I don't know why. I had another recurring dream, and still have it sometimes, of a dragon coming down my street and burning my house down. The dreams all have tons of symbolism in them, but I can't really interperet them myself. Got any ideas?
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