(no subject)

Oct 20, 2004 18:47

[I see:] the computer screen?? lol
[I need:] to get action hahaha jp
[I find:] my nail fucked up?? hehe this is silly
[I want:] to get sum MATH done haha
[I have:] tons of hw!
[I wish:] i had that sum1
[I love:] umm idk rite now..
[I hate:] sluts
[I miss:] my paintball retards and my dad
[I feel:] idk sumthin i wont say haha
[I hear:] my food! hehe fat ass!!
[I crave:] food hahaha
[I search:] yahoo??
[I wonder:] wut my life will b like 5 years from now..
[I regret:] a lot...but idk everything happens for a reason

When was the last time you ...
[Smiled?] a sec ago..
[Laughed?] a sec ago..
[Cried?] umm last nite??
[Bought something?] today in lunch hehe ima fatty
[Danced?] omg today at shans haha we were all up in everythings grill humpin shit to "goodies"
[Were sarcastic?] idk lol today prolly
[Kissed someone?] a while ago..
[Talked to an ex?] umm i dont have any ex's hahaha
[Had a nightmare?] dont remember

A Last time for everything.......
[Last book you read:] i dont read! haha u joking?!
[Last movie you saw:] The Forgotten
[Last song you heard:] "goodies"
[Last thing you had to drink:] vanilla coke
[Last time you showered:] last nite
[Last thing you ate:] umm food? haha

Do You...
[Smoke?] no
[Do drugs?] no
[Have sex?] no
[Sleep with stuffed animals?] yepp!! hehe 2 of em'
[Live in the moment?] yea a lot
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?] nope
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] lol sumtimes! but not lately..
[Play an instrument?] haha omg yess!! im a fucking band nerd still!! hilarious and im gettin a guitar whenever it gets in..
[Believe there is life on other planets?] umm?? fucking aliens chillen hahaha
[Remember your first love?] no never had a love
[Still love him/her?]noooo
[Read the newspaper?] haha no!
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] haha no not that i kno of..
[Believe in miracles?] of course
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] yah of course
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] haha yea unless they fucking piss me off haha
[Consider love a mistake?] everything happends for a reason
[Like the taste of alcohol?] sum
[Have a favorite candy?] idk chocolate!! hehe
[Believe in astrology?] sumtimes
[Believe in magic?] of course!! hehe
[Believe in God?] chaa god rox my sockdizzles haha
[Pray?] sumtimes when im in need of it
[Go to church?] not nemore..but i used to when i was like 10 haha
[Have any secrets?] maybe a couple??
[Have any pets?] yeaa!! my kitties...but i dont really like them lol i want a pitbull!!
[Do well in school?] i guess
[Go to or plan to go to college?] for a couple just for a business class..
[Have a major?] yea
[Talk to strangers who instant message you?] haha sumtimes if im feelin bored
[Wear hats?] not really
[Have any piercings?] nope
[Have any tattoos?] not yet. I want some though
[Hate yourself?] no
[Have an obsession?] guess so
[Collect anything?] no
[Have a best friend?] yep shan!!! my twin!
[Wish on stars?] yess
[Like your handwriting?] not really
[Have any bad habits?] yea
[Care about looks?] not really
[Believe in witches?] nope
[Believe in Satan?] no
[Believe in ghosts?] yepp
[First bike?] haha idk!
[First best friend(s):] haha manda johnson in kindergarten!!
[First real memory of something:] idk!! lol
[First car:] dont have one
[First date:] umm josh?? haha
[First kiss:] umm mike davenport haha ahhhh!!!!!!
[First break-up:] none
[First job:] hegedorns!! still workin there too hehe
[First screen name:] passionatepeach2 haha i luv how i remember these things!
[First self purchased album:] haha idk!
[First funeral:] my grandpa
[First prime minister (or president) you voted for:] too young to vote
[First piercing/tattoo:] none
[First independent home:]none but when im 17 and shan is 18 we r moving out and possibly move in with joe and chris too!!
[First house/flat/apartment:] 1171 ridge road!! haha that hizzle was the shit fo sho
[First credit card:] me wiht a credit card=bad!! hehe
[First love:] none
[First enemy:] i dont remember! haha
[First big trip:] never went on a BIG trip..
[First play/musical/performance:] my band concerts?! haha idk hahhaha
[First sport you played:] none haha ima lazy bitch
[First musician you remember hearing in your house:] idk?!
[last phone call:] umm i think chris?? my hubby!! hehe
[last tv show watched:] one tree hill
[last shoes worn:] etnies
[last cd played:] good charlotte
[last item bought:] food! haha fat ass im tellin ya!
[last annoyance:] too many people talkin online!
[last disappointment:] knowing that i have to make up tests for school! i HATE school!
[last soda drank:] coke!
[last thing written:] idk lol school shit?
[last key used:] "?"
[last word spoken:] "woww" lol
[last sleep:] last night?? lol
[last im:] a sec ago to chris/shan/kev
[last weird encounter:] dunno
[last ice cream eaten:] i dunno
[last time amused:] idk im always amused!! ;) hehe
[last time wanting to die:] idk
[last time in love:] neverrr damnn same question over and over again?!
[last time hugged:] dunno when
[last chair sat in:] the one im sitting in right now
[last lipstick used:] i use lip GLOSS haha
[last underwear worn:] umm wouldnt u like to kno?? ;)
[last bra worn:] like i just said..wouldnt u like to kno?? ;)
[last shirt worn:] gray tank top HOLLA
[last time dancing:] omg earlier today at shans...hahaha that was greatttt
[last webpage visited:] livejournal.com
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