Oct 24, 2004 17:48
[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? ::: [Becky Lynne Schicker]
Birthplace ::: [Rochester, NY]
Age ::: [15]
Current location ::: [Webster, New York]
Eye color ::: [Brown]
Hair color ::: [Brownish Red]
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::: [Righty]
Zodiac sign? ::: [Aquarius]
Height? ::: [5.2]
Marital Status? ::: [single...but umm yea hehe]
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality ::: [50% italian / 25% german / 25% indian< [x]
Pepsi or Coke ::: [coke!]
McDonald's or Burger Kings ::: [b0th r amazing hahaha fat bitch over hurr]
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::: [ummm how bout neither?? thnx thaddd b greattt! hahaha shann!]
Chocolate or vanilla ::: [chocolate]
Adidas or Nike ::: [nike]
Black or white ::: [idk]
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::: [wut do u people think?? billssss holla haha]
Burgers or hot dogs ::: [Burgers..?]
Egypt or France ::: [FrAnCe]
Rock or rap ::: [rock..1o0% holla]
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke ::: [nope]
Cuss ::: [r u fucking kidding me? haha chaa!]
Sing well ::: [yupp]
Sing in the shower ::: [ummm??]
Talk to yourself ::: [haha i admitt u caught me]
Believe in yourself ::: [sumtimes]
Like taking these longass surveys? ::: [i loveee these things!!]
Play an instrument ::: [haha i admit im still in badn yess u caught me there too! haha]
Want to go to college? ::: [Yeah, I'm goin to Niagara with shan prolly!]
Want to get married? ::: [meh..]
Want to have children? ::: [fuck kids haha]
Think you're a health freak? ::: [nahh]
Get along with your parents ::: [are you joking? who fuckin duz at my age? no1]
Get along with your siblings? ::: [yupp..but thats only cuz they dont live with me]
Think you're popular ::: [umm not really..haha but idc so go fuck a cow hahaha]
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state ::: [nope..]
Drank alchohal ::: [no]
Smoke ::: [nope]
Had sex ::: [nope ]
Get high ::: [nope]
Done any drugs ::: [nOpE]
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::: [haha noo!]
Been on stage ::: [umm n0pe]
Gone skinny dipping ::: [n0pe but nice idea ;)]
Been dumped ::: [nope]
Dyed your hair ::: [nope]
Stolen anything ::: [no i have money bitchess $$$$$ haha]
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest ::: [jakki prolly]
Loudest ::: [shan]
Most shy ::: [hmmm prolly alyssa? haha idk]
Blondest ::: [me and shan haha]
Smartest ::: [ewww matt russell and josh rafte! omg they are too smart haha]
Kindest ::: [jackiee!]
Best personality ::: [idk lol theyre all fuckin awesome!]
Most talented ::: [prolly scharfee haha fuckin artist]
Best singer ::: [idk maybe shann?]
Most ghetto ::: [dont really have any ghetto friends haha]
Drama Queen/KING ::: [ALL THE PAINTBALL RETARDS..u guys seriously could win a fuckin award in acting..holy hell! hahahhahah]
Pain in the ass ::: [idk i luv them all..but prolly kevin haha]
Funniest ::: [defff shan!! haha jackie comes in close second! haha]
Best person for advice ::: [shan..twinssss!]
Dependable ::: [idk]
Trustworthy ::: [shan jackie and michelle]
Druggie ::: [none]
Most likely to end up in jail ::: [shann! haha deff!]
Person you've known the longest ::: [manda]
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream ::: [d0nt remember]
Last nightmare ::: [umm idkk!]
Car ride ::: [today gettin back from the hockey gamee!]
Last time you cried ::: [last nite!]
Last movie seen ::: [ummm the girl next door]
Last movie rented :::[dont remember]
Last book read ::: [im readin to kill a mockingbird rite now in english]
Last word said ::: [dont remember lol]
Last curse word said ::: [hahaha idk prolly fuck rite shan?!]
Last time you laugh ::: [juss a lil while ago...r u kidding?! im always laughing!! im the life of the damn partt bitches...fuck yea doggy]
Last phone call ::: [shan!]
Last CD played ::: [good charlotte]
Last song you listened to ::: [dont remember]
Last annoyance ::: [ummm kevin?? hahaha]
Last IM ::: [chriss! <33]
Last person you hugged ::: [idk i never get hugs cuz no1 luvs me]
Last person you yelled at ::: [prolly my mom lol]
Last time you wore a skirt ::: [Summer]
Last time you've been evil ::: [im always evil baby ;) haha]
Last time you fought with your parents ::: [umm like today?! haha]
Last time you wished upon a star ::: [dunno]
Played Truth or Dare ::: [haha lovee that game..idk a while ago..nice idea thnx for reminding me haha]
Spent quality time alone ::: [umm idk lol]
[x] Part 9 -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM ::: [chriss! <33]
Do you feel lonely ::: [n0]
Ever TP'd someone's house ::: [yupp! haha i wanna on halloween soo bad!! ooo mann! haha]
How about egging someone's house :::[NO but good idea....u just watch out when halloween comes around bitches ;)]
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::: [ummmm yea eminem is haha fuck that lil hottie..even tho hes like 30 hahaha]
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::: [n0? lol]
What do you think of George Bush? ::: [r u kidding me?! i dont talk politics! haha]
Any secret fetishes? ::: [idk..;)]
Do you like to wear chains? ::: [umm no lol]
How many languages do you speak? ::: [English..nd I'm pretty good at German]
Glad this is over? :::[Um..sure why not!?]