Things that I like right now

Feb 16, 2005 15:03

1. Sondre Lerche
2. How Mary Louise Parker says "Antarctica" in Angels in America
3. Dancing Monika's solo in modern
4. Eating with all my favorite friends at Quizno's on a really pretty afternoon.
5. Being able to be there for someone
6. How good we are at cuddling together
7. Thinking about how unknkown the future is
8. Dawson's Creek, Season 4
9. Ida B. Wells
10. Godiva Ice Cream (Chocolate Raspberry Truffle)
11. My "V is for Vegetarian" t-shirt
12. My "Ultimate Fakebook" t-shirt
13. Garden State
14. Driving in my car when an cheezy Janet Jackson song comes on with the radio down
15. Touring the bear down gym with Ryan
16. Getting out of Biomechanics early
17. The fact that Gwen is a painter now
18. Gwen
19. Cara
20. Lowin
21. Leemah
22. LimeWire
13. LiveJournal
24. The fact that I put 13 instead of 23
15. TheFaceBook
16. Haha I did it again
27. and again. I'm not doing it on purpose
28. My life, overall.
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