Apr 06, 2012 12:32
i am feeling rather grateful.
so instead of telling you how much my ear infection SUCKEDSOBADLYIWANTEDTODIEFORTHREEDAYSSTRAIGHTITWASAWFUL and how, on top of it, it cost be about $100 of my hard earned money between the doctors visit and antibiotics and effectively incapacitated me for half of my long-awaited spring break i will tell you this.
i am glad that i had the money and means to go to the doctor.
i am glad that i have insuance and that the visit didn't cost more.
i am glad that the insurance also saved me for paying $130 for just one med, and instead i paid $50 for both.
i am glad that Alex took care of me while i cried, sweated to death from fever, took his ibuprofen and generally made sure i was eating and that shadow was getting attention during all of it.
and beyond the ear infection, i am glad that i had the means to go to school. and that i have been able to complete my life goals thus far. i am right where i wanted to be at 23. do i have more goals? yes. i am just glad i accomplished all the ones i wanted to accomplish by this point in my life.
i am glad that i have never been physically abused or raped. i am glad that i have not been reduced to prostitution. i am glad i was never a drug mule. i am glad that i live in the united states and have rights. and that those rights are protected every day.
and while i may have lost my dad at a young age, at least for 19 years of my life he was there. he didn't bail on my family or disappoint me. i got 19 damn good years and that's more than a lot of people can say. and he left me an amazing dog.
overall. i am just glad that while my life has had it's unfair moments, it's a pretty damn good one.