I need to yell at a couple people right now but livejournal and other sorts of computer interaction just seems too impersonal and simply won't due. Aside from me planning what i'm going to say to those individuals, life is swell... i think. It seems like a calm before the storm type situation.
Oh this just in, I love my new dog but wow is she a hassel sometimes. They say its just because she is a baby, i believe this to be true. But DEAR GOD!! Are all babies bad? i know human babies can be sons of bitches when they teeth, cry, etc. ; Just enough stress to make a british nanny want to shake the shit out of them. I'm finding this terrible baby syndrome to be constant in most young animals.
She is only 12 weeks old and though i hate the clean up, i don't ever want her to grow up.
Side note, lending out Boondock Saints was a bad idea... i'd really love to sit and watch it while practicing my irish accent. Damn St.Patty's day.
Spring break, moves entirely too fast and so does the money our of my pocket. I'm starting to feel like i should become jewish just so i can be rich later in life. But then again, being part of the working class is fun! you never know whats going to happen next, shit could just happen. I know, i got a T-shirt
Some things that are particularly making my life bliss...
Soon there will be warm weather
The Sun
Common and the thought of Lollapalooza
Whisky (the dog)
Ninja Gaiden *black - So challenging i can't put it down but i can't stop losing
Work (Suprisingly) and looking for a new job
thats it... for now i think.
I feel like my oldself again and with that, i'll leave you with this...
<--- Pick One --->
This is my friend Edmund Wright.