Nov 12, 2006 01:10
hmmm well lets see nothing much is new i'm still the saem old confused lil girl i have been for years. lets see monday i worked ummm tuesday i went to the courthouse in TO that was a blast! whoot crazy old men trying to sell me stole coats for 3$. ummm wensday was a fog day so i went to work then made candels :D i know i'm a loser! thursday went back to school no good i had tow right a math tet got 31 out 35 on it:P cuz i rock n math is easy ummm friday sucked ass i spent most of it mopeing around being depressed n mike called:D it was kinda nice but w/e i think i pissed him off again. thats about it. oh and i don't wanna hear anymore lectures about my b/f you can't help who you fell in love with even if he is low life skum who should probably die a slow painful death of AIDS i still love him n ppl need to accept that. hmmm niki is here with louis right now n ROAR thats all i gotta say to that i'm soooo sick of them here i really wish they'd just fuck off for a bit. so we are putting my dog to sleep soon n mommy wants me to get the cats fixed n declawed cuz they scratched our leather couch she jsut got she is CHOCKED! christmas is comeing i'ms ooo excited i got everyones presints picked out accept all of mel's she is a lil hard to shop for.... dad got a digital mom got a shirt n candel niki got like 3 shirts aaron got shirts louis got an outfit tyler got .. can't say..... n i an't member everyone else. i most indefinatly don't want to go to school on monday i dred it no word of a lie i havent even started the rest of my h/w yet it isd so bluh n stupid. i don't really have much to do tomorrow so that is kinda the plan, but tomrorrw will come n i'll put it off i'm sure of it. anyhow i should prolly go n do soemthing other then sit here bitter n what not.