Feb 15, 2005 18:11
Lost in this world of binary code... if you don't uphold your statis in this realm.... all is forgotten....
Though the thoughts of travelling that once lonesom seemed so overwhelming, they now seem rather intriging...
"to have loved and lost is better than never to have loved at all"... who gave these insipid words? Though they sound great to those who have not, they are luticris to those who have.
The pain of love, though a contriditoin, my in fact be worth it.... but how dose that sound?... "the pain of love"?... Yes. A contriditoin. It should not be so. In the way that it should not have to be said....
Through the marking's of it do I know it's power. Throuhg the Pain do I know it's trouble. For the once lived care free days do I long for.
Your grasp is one that I never knew you had. Your touch is one that I never knew the death of. Your soft touch did I never know would bring so much comfort. Through your loving hands did I not know woud bring deceit.
Throughout this life if only, if only, I would have listend to my transluciant being, did I not know that so much would be avoided.
To all those who have an ear let him hear. To all those who have a heart let them feel and keep it safe. This my be the last thing I write while I am still alive. Though not much breath remains in my soul. Soon I shall say my tidings from that black void that we all do fear....